S1E13: Survival of the Fittest ...Lord of the Flies

Start from the beginning

Just then, the Watcherfly catches a glance at something that flew by fast. That something being the psychic jellyfish, Terra Enva. After another fruitless search for the elusive ziggurat, she makes her way back home, having crossed from Tunisia to Libya not too long ago. Regardless, the fly has a little gift offer. Not just for her, but for all the townsfolk up ahead. Emitting a bright glow from its eye, it soon turns to a large flash of blinding light. Effortlessly, this gets Terra's attention, having recognized that flash on more than one occasion.

Terra: [temporarily shields her eyes with her top]...

As soon as the light dims away, she looks to see the descent of what seems to be giant disco balls. Landing onto the earth in droves, they survive with little to no dents in their structure -- as opposed to the small craters each one left. Uncurling from their spherical forms, the balls are revealed to be pangolin-like Nightmares (13 in total) armored head to tail with extremely durable scales. Each one in the group is abnormally large, roughly the size of a motor home RV. However, there is one exception amongst them, being no bigger than a van. Despite the size difference, the runt shares something in common with its larger brethren -- as well as Nightmares in general. That being an innate drive to raise as much hell as possible. And where else better to do it than at the nearest town from here.

Following the road towards their current destination, the Pangolin Nightmares curl back to ball form and wheel off at incredible speeds -- with the runt obviously in dead last. Terra is prepared to engage with these mobile monstrosities, only to immediately notice something heading their way. That something being a car, housing a family of bipedal small-spotted genets. Inside, the children and mother are currently asleep, all while the father mans the wheel. Though focused on driving, he is a tad drowsy, somewhat unaware of the rising dust trail in the distance. Fortunately, before being inches away from a fatal collision, the car appears to be coated in a green aura -- lifted away from danger immediately after.

This sudden shift in altitude snaps the father wide awake (excluding the rest) confused as to what's going on.

Terra: [floats over to the family] Sorry, folks. Road isn't safe at the moment.

The jellyfish looks down to see that the Pangolin Nightmares are about to pass by under her. And right when they do, she delivers a powerful psychic push down towards the earth. The amount of force creates a large, deep hole that engulfs not only a chunk of the road, but all the pangolins as well. An impressive hole in one -- or in this case, many. But Terra's well aware this is far from over. So before any further engagement, she floats the car back to the road, far, far away from the hole no less. With the family of genets sent back on their merry way, ...

Papa Genet: [keeping eyes wide open]......

Mama Genet: [briefly sees her husband's expression before closing her eyes again] I'll take the wheel at the next stop over, hun.

Papa Genet: ...

Well, merry-ish, Terra proceeds to deal with savage spheres inside the hole. For safe measure, she creates a sphere of her own composed of psychic energy and hurls it straight into the pit. This results in a streamline explosion protruding from the deep cavity, rupturing the surrounding ground in the process. Surely that must've done the trick, but after seconds of settling silence, the ground would like to say otherwise. Arising from the earth are the Pangolin Nightmares, having used their long, dagger-like claws to escape the hole. The Nightmares glare up at the person responsible, peeved aplenty. The jellyfish can tell that she's done more than enough to catch their attention. And with that in mind, she makes a beeline off course of the road, prompting the pack of pangolins to curl up, rev up, and hunt down in pursuit. Though unbeknownst to her, she currently has a little stowaway watching from the safety of her pocket.

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