" Hey creeper! What the fuck!" I yell. The guy turns around and looks at us. It wasn't a guy. It looks like that skull mask killer Josh was telling me about. Simon quickly puts his hand around my neck pushing me into the wall and pulling me back. " Are you crazy!" He whispers yells at me. That was kinda hot ngl. " Hey get your hands off her! It's just that Sunnyvale asshole!" Kate whispers. She pushes him off me and turns around. He's gone. " Where the fuck did he go?" I whisper to myself. Me and Kate walked over by the door. It was wide open? I looked out hoping to see something but nothing was there. I turned around to see Simon checking out his shirt he had taken off earlier.

" Thank you so much." Kate smiles. " Oh, no. I'm so happy to have the company." Mrs. Lane says.
" You're a lifesaver Mrs. Lane." Kate laughs. " I used to be a nurse." Mrs. Lane sighs.
I lay my head on Simons shoulder waiting for them to hurry up. He wraps his arm around me and his jacket starts to fall off a little. Mrs. Lane gives us a worried look seeing the blood on his shirt. " Are you sure every things okay?" She asks nicely. Kate looks back at us quickly and Simon zips up his jacket. " Totally! I just have to run out really quickly and—"

" Kill that pervert!" Kate yells. " Why would he break in there? I just don't understand what he was doing." Deena sighs pacing back and forth.
" He was acting all shifty and shit!" Simon starts.
" Like going through the laundry." I finish. " You need to get some groceries, man. We have an incredible sale at the store!" Simon smiles pulling out a seat next to Josh. I roll my eyes. " He broke into the house! He had a knife!" I yell. " Woah! With the kids there? That's wack!" Josh says. " That's fucking right, Josh. It is wack. Thank you. There were kids there. Okay, and what? He thinks just cause he's balling Sam, he can come here and prank us on our own turf. " Kate sighs. " Hey you know what? You're right. Fuck this. Fuck Peter." Deena says.
" Hello?! Don't forgot the most important part. Fuck Sam." I yell. Deena glares at me. " Yeah, fuck her. She needs to get her psycho boyfriend in check." Deena says. Deena quickly grabs the keys and heads out the door. Everyone follows. " You coming or what?" I say to Josh. He gets up and runs after us.

" Hey slow down lover boy!" I say as I try and catch up to Josh and the others. We walk into emergency waiting for the lady at the desk even notice we are there. We stand there for a fee minutes before Deena starts aggressively ringing the bell. " Fill these out and take a seat." The lady says not even making eye contact. " No, I'm just visiting." Deena rolls her eyes. " Visiting hours ends at nine." The lady sighs. " Tell nurse Beddy she has a patient." I say stepping In front of Deena.

" Beddy. Long time, how you been?" I ask smiling.
" I see you're still toting around with this moron." Beddy says. " She can't quit be Beddy I'm to pretty!" Simon says smiling at me. " Listen, we need your assistance." I smile. " I'm sure that you do, but there happens to be a new security protocol. We kept coming up stort on blueberries and bananas. So now I need a special key-" " I need to see a patient." Deena interrupts.

" Blueberries and bananas?" Josh asks.
" Vicodin and Percocet. You want anything from the machine? Im starving. " Kate smiles.

" Yo, Si-money, cash me." Kate says holding her hand out to Simon. " Don't look at me dude I'm broke." He says putting his hands in his pockets. " Hey I might have like a penny or something?" I laugh. They all roll their eyes.
" You got any change?" Kate asks Josh. It like him like an eternity to realize she was talking to him.
" Oh, um, let me check, um, uh, no. Uh but I," He walks over to the machine. What the fuck is he doing? He types in a code and smiles.
" What do you want?" He asks.

pretty in pink ; kate schmidtWhere stories live. Discover now