"Well- it's me, that should be good enough"

"Well, it's not." Y/N said, Ron snorted and Harry had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep a grin from surfacing.


Y/N turned away from him with a roll of her eyes. "Shall we go?" She said. And they walked away,  Harry was very pleased.

It was similar with Adrian Pucey, a blood supremacist Slytherin who had the audacity to tell Y/N he was 'making an exception for her bloodtraitor status', claiming that at least she was a pureblood.

He walked away with boils on his face.

Of course Harry knew that she wouldn't do any of that to him if he asked her. 

He just couldn't build up the nerve. 

Besides, if she was rejecting everyone, it meant she was waiting for someone to ask her. 

And she was.

Though it seemed like a long shot at this point.

Cedric hadn't spoken to her at all since the first task. Yet, he was seen around with Cho every single day. 

Y/N understood if he didn't want anything romantic with her anymore, but to completely avoid her, to drop their entire year of friendship. 

It was simply rude. 

She'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt every time he averted his eyes from her in the corridor.

Why things between them had changed so quickly, she'd never understand.


Y/N watched from a distance as she put her books into her school bag.

Hermione spoke to Viktor Krum with a deep blush on her face. Krum smiled and nodded, bringing her hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss.

Y/N had never seen Hermione so flustered.

Hermione turned, smiling as she walked towards Y/N.

"What was that about?" Y/N asked, smirking.

"Viktor just asked me to the ball" Hermione said, unable to wipe the smile from her face. 

"Well? What did you say?" Y/N asked, also smiling. Hermione had only ever been this happy about books.

"I told him I'd think about it.."

Y/N furrowed an eyebrow, "are you waiting for anyone in specific?"

Hermione sighed, "well- not really.."

Before she was able to fully ask, her eye caught onto Cho Chang, walking in her direction. A guilty look on her face.

"Um— Y/N correct?" Cho asked, a mild Scottish accent in her voice.

"Yes.. that would be me" Y/N said, confused. What was happening?

"I was hoping to speak to you—" she glanced at Hermione with a small smile. "—in private.."

"Oh- of course" Hermione said, readjusting her bag on her shoulder before walking away.

Cho let out a small sigh. "I'd like to clear things up a bit.. for me" she said, spinning a ring on her finger. 

"To be honest- I'm a bit confused.. I've begun to speak to Cedric more over the last couple weeks, and I think there might be something between us" she said avoiding Y/N's eye. 

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