Episode 18

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Using Simon's computer to register for school was difficult to say the least

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Using Simon's computer to register for school was difficult to say the least. For one thing, it was password protected and Simon wasn't willing to let go of that information lightly. He made Stiles stand next to him while he typed one handed as his other trailed up and down his stepson's body without permission. The taste of bile in Stiles' throat grounded him through the experience.

The monster also told Stiles that he wasn't allowed to leave the room with such an expensive device, forcing him to sign up for classes on the living room couch. Stiles hated being in the presence of his stepfather so much so that it was actually the first time since his return that he had sat on the outdated furniture. Simon took advantage of the situation by palming himself obscenely through his sweatpants the entire time that Stiles was in his presence.

Surprisingly, Stiles found the action easy to ignore as he relished the feel of the keyboard beneath his fingertips.

Physically completing his registration, however, was another issue. Despite how easy Mrs. Compella claimed the process was, Stiles found himself unable to actually view the modulars without his transfer papers from Beacon of Hope. In order to do that he'd have to call his former school and have them send the information to the website.

Which meant that Stiles needed to ask Simon for permission to use his phone, as well as having to call the one place he had been trying (and failing) to ignore existed. He felt more than a little sick at the prospect. Who would pick up? What would they ask him? What if Derek answered the phone? Was the older teen mad at him because he didn't say goodbye— again? Were his former classmates still out camping in the woods and unaware of Stiles' departure yet? Did Melissa even know that he was gone?

The questions swirled in Stiles' mind causing a knot of uncertainty to form deep in his gut. He couldn't make the call just yet. Instead, he hastily wrote down the information and gave Simon his laptop back mere minutes after asking for it to be unlocked. Stiles was out of the room a second later, pleased to see disappointment flicker across his stepfather's features.

After Simon's display in the kitchen earlier, in which the older man had successfully managed to move around the house on his own, albeit at a snail's pace, Stiles didn't really feel secure anymore. Not that he ever really did in his childhood home, but now, even the relative safety of his bedroom no longer existed. Thus, Stiles found that he preferred the kitchen where he could at least escape through the side door. Plus it was getting late.

He busied himself preparing dinner for his abuser and hoped the obvious sounds of pots and pans moving would deter Simon from attempting to check on him. The last thing he wanted was an awkward conversation in which his stepfather actually pretended to be a parent and scold him about not doing any school work. It was rare, but occasionally it happened. The sound of the TV clicking on quickly squashed that fear and Stiles' eyes drifted to the counter where the piece of paper with the transfer information sat looking innocent, despite the anxiety it was causing.

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