Episode 9

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No matter how Melissa tried to sell it, sleeping on the ground during a camping trip was just that; sleeping on the ground

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No matter how Melissa tried to sell it, sleeping on the ground during a camping trip was just that; sleeping on the ground.

Derek sat on a log by the dwindling campfire working on a knot that had formed in his neck. He was the first one out of their tent that morning and perhaps should have started cooking eggs for everyone else, or at the very least fed the fire so it would be useable for whoever deemed themselves chef soon. He didn't do either of those things, however.

Instead he watched the shadow in Stiles' tent. He was awake, which Derek knew because he was sitting. He also figured Stiles was aware that Derek was up as he was refusing to come out. Stiles had pretty much ignored him for two weeks straight. That was Derek's fault... mostly.

Learning how Stiles made money when he ran away changed things. The fact was Derek was almost seventeen. He was a junior in high school and he had been intimate in such a fashion with exactly one person. Stiles was younger and if everything Lydia had said was true, he had been with countless people. Not to mention he had a pimp. He was marked and claimed. Why would he choose that life? He had a home, right? It's not like he had to go out and seek those types of people, people willing to pay him for sex. Logically, Derek could justify his confusion and fear. That didn't stop his chest from constricting whenever Stiles walked into the room, however.

Suddenly, Stiles' shadow stood in a crouching position, because he was too tall for the tent, and started to undress. Derek wanted to look away. He knew it was rude of him to stare but no one was around to hold him accountable for his actions and there was just something about Stiles that he was drawn too. He couldn't tear his eyes away, even if all he was seeing was a gray outline of the thin figure.

Stiles unzipped his tent and finished buttoning up his checkered over shirt in the same silent motion. For a brief moment, their eyes met before both boys darted their gazes elsewhere.

"Sorry," Stiles grunted in his tired, early morning voice. "Didn't think anyone else was up."

Oh. Maybe he didn't know Derek was there.

"'s kay," Derek mumbled.

Without explanation Stiles walked along the trail to the designated bathroom area, presumably to relieve himself and Derek took that moment to make it appear like he was doing more to maintain the fire. As he returned, Stiles initially went straight back to his tent, but Derek stopped him.

"You don't have to," Derek said quietly.

"What?" Stiles asked politely enough while his face betrayed his annoyance.

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