Episode 8

491 21 7

Warning: Some noncon touching
Chapter Text

St. Louis, MO Meth Terminology 101
-Shards – slang for Crystal Meth
-417 - slang for Meth ([former] Meth capital zip code)
-The 417 – referring to a zip code where Meth is plentiful
-dick – glass pipe for smoking Crystal Meth
-dicksuckers – people who smoke Crystal Meth
-Baggies -pre portioned 1/16th bags for cheap sales

 Louis, MO Meth Terminology 101-Shards – slang for Crystal Meth-417 - slang for Meth ([former] Meth capital zip code)-The 417 – referring to a zip code where Meth is plentiful-dick – glass pipe for smoking Crystal Meth-dicksuckers – people who smo...

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"So, can we?" Scott asked with large round pleading eyes. "Coach is on board!"

John looked up from his paperwork. He was reading through the fine print from his team of lawyers; they had found an investor. A business man who saw potential in Beacon of Hope, and who had ideas for how it could be more profitable. It would seem that promoting the school through an educational video was just the start of this 'Deucalion' guy's many grand ideas. In front of him stood Scott, Jackson, Danny, and Kira all with equally determined faces.

"Really, a lacrosse team?" John asked. "Not something more, I don't know - common? Like baseball or soccer?"

"A baseball field would be expensive to build and maintain." Danny pointed out.

"Not to mention, I'm sure you'd put us to work building it!" Jackson said with a scowl.

"And soccer is boring!" Scott whined.

"Plus, I really want to hit these boys, knock 'em down, you know!" Kira added with a glint in her eyes.

John didn't doubt the girl's conviction. But it also worried him. Lacrosse was a very physical sport, there was a reason the football team had only lasted one year.... "If Coach is with you guys to prevent it from becoming too rough, I don't see why not."

"Yes!" Scott held up a hand for a high five which both Jackson and Danny left hanging. Kira, not wanting to do the same nudged the boys out of the way and tripped over her own feet, the failed high five turning into a stumbled yet impressive catch on Scott's part.

"Thanks," Kira mumbled, a bit embarrassed.

"And you're the one teaching us how to play?" Jackson asked doubtfully.

"She's good—" Scott attempted to defend, but didn't get the chance to finish because John cleared his throat.

"Scott, Jackson, I'm putting you two in charge of the budget. Make a list of equipment and costs and we'll see what we can do. And we will be having tryouts. So no one, not even you four, are automatically on the team. In order to tryout, you'll have to maintain good grades; A's and B's, just like the Basketball and Track teams. When is the season?"

"Spring." Scott told him. "Track will be over and Basketball will be midway through."

"Okay. Coach gets the final say on team members, if he feels a Basketball player shouldn't do both teams because of practice and scheduling issues, then that's up to him."

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