She cheated on me!

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I woke up in the morning. I turned on my side in anticipation of seeing that beautiful Laroi's smile. But Laroi wasn't next to me. I got up quickly and picked up the phone. Then I saw the envelope on the table. I opened it and started reading.

"Hi darling, I had to get up early so it wouldn't be suspicious I wasn't at home. I have to work something out. I love you, LAROI"

Me in mind: Okay. He probably has a lot of work to do. I will not call or write to him.

Laroi's POV:

I'll have to get rid of her now but I'm afraid it will be difficult...

End Laroi's POV

Laroi came to his house, where he and Katarina lived together. He half-opened the door and saw Katarina with another man.

Laroi's POV:

No it's not true. She's been cheating on me all this time? Sneaky bitch...

End Laroi's POV

Thousands of thoughts raced through his head. Jealousy? Anger? Sadness? Helplessness?

He didn't know what to do. He finally decided to "talk" to her. He opened the door wide.

Laroi: Katarina, how do you explain this to me?

Katarina: What are you doing here and where have you been all night?!

Laroi: I was away. Now I'm more asking you who Is he...

Said Laroi, pointing to the man standing next to katarina.

Katarina: This is Ben. my new boyfriend

Laroi: Are you fucking kidding ?! I could have guessed,that if I go to another girl, that you will think I have something to do with her and you will find someone else! How long have you been cheating on me? AND I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH!

Katarina: Half year but Wait... What girl Laroi???

Laroi: Half year? U are insane! Do you want to tell a true story? Ok listen. One day a girl came to see me and came to take a picture with me. Do you remember? You immediately thought I had something to do with her. I had a weird feeling, so I went to a quiet spot at the Hollywood sign. And who didn't I meet there? This girl again. She listened to me and we became friends. Then she invited me home and there I realized, what I felt. In short, I don't trust you anymore and I don't love you, and the only reason I came here, is to break up with you and tell you it's END.

Katarina: Laroi, do you have a broken heart? I'm sorry...

Laroi: It's too late so FUCK YOU and GOODBYE. You hurt me for the last time.

Katarina: Laroi, please STAY. I can't live WITHOUT YOU...

But Laroi no longer listened to her and left.


Laroi has been gone too long ... I'm worried about him. I'd rather call him.

End of my POV

I picked up my phone and dialed his phone number.

Me: Hello Laroi where are you?

Laroi: I'm on my way back to you <3 I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Me: Okay. I love you

Laroi: I love you too. Bye

Me: Bye

End of chapter.

Info: I'm sorry I haven't published a chapter in so long. I was lazy to write it XD. Btw thank you all for reading. I love you all.

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