Chapter twenty-one

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Izzie's pov:

Casey and I went on a run after school and, of course, it turned in to a race. As expected, she was much faster than I was. At the end of the street, she slowed down a bit so I could catch up.

"I win." She flashed a big smile as I caught my breath.

"No fair, you've been doing a bunch of extra training."

Casey laughed, kissing the side of my head. I could listen to her laugh forever. We sat down on a curb to rest and started talking. A voice yelled Casey's name and both our heads turned in that direction. Unfortunately it was Evan. He threatened both me and Casey before so I didn't enjoy seeing him.

"Funny seeing you guys here." He chuckled. His voice was laced with venom.

I squeezed Casey's hand as we stood up. We glared at him and took a small step back. She kissed my hand which made Evan's face twist in anger.

"We were just leaving." Casey turned to walk away.

"Come on, you can't honestly tell me you're happy with... her."

"Dude, literally just move on." I turned to him.

"Stay out of it, home wrecker." He half yelled.

That made Casey mad. Really mad. She let go of my hand and got closer to him.

"Listen bitch, I broke your nose once, dont make me do it again. Stay the fuck away from me and my girlfriend. We've been over for six months. Get over it."

She grabbed my hand and stormed off dragging me behind her. I turned and flashed a middle finger at Evan. Before we got too far, he yelled something.

"This isn't the last time you'll see me!"

We got into her room and Casey threw her arms up in frustration. I ran my hand up and down her back to try and calm her down but my efforts were in vain.

"Hes such an asshole!" She yelled, tossing a pillow at the wall.

"I don't get why he can't accept that you've moved on."

She sighed loudly before resting her head in my lap. I stroked her hair to try and soothe her. The last thing Evan said to us kept repeating over an over in my head.

Casey's pov:

We were hanging out with Nate and Sharice after school which was exactly the kind of break I needed. Messing around with some friends and my girlfriend made it easy to put Evan out of my head.

"Okay, okay but you have to agree that strawberry is better though." Sharice chuckled softly.

We were at an ice cream place and arguing about which flavors are best. A small joke turned into a heated debate weirdly fast.

"Omg no way, chocolate has to be better." I was offended at Sharice's suggestion.

"Well I think you're all wrong." Nate interjected.

"You can't even talk, you like rum and raisin ice cream." I laughed quite loudly.

"Can I make an input for mint chocolate chip?" Izzie spoke up.

Our light hearted fun was put on hold by loud footsteps approaching us. . My worst fears were confirmed when I turned and saw Evan.

"I told you that you'd see me again." He had an evil smile on his face.

"And I told you that I don't want to see you. Ever."

"Casey c'mon, we can still make it work."

"You need to leave." Nate stood up.

"Yeah, get out of here." Sharice glared angrily.

It was four versus one but the smirk never left Evan's face. In this moment he looked more punchable than ever. I squeezed Izzie's hand as he took a step forward.

"Shes not interested, creep. Just go home." Nate stepped forward.

"Just leave. You lost." Izzie glared at him.

"Why do you care Nate? Weren't you Izzie's little boy toy?" Evan spat bitterly.

"Look, they've both moved on from us. They're happy and the love each other. That's what's important." Nate said calmly.

"I'm not about to let you hurt my best friend so you and your janky haircut can go." Sharice fumed.

Evan stomped in our direction as I put a protective arm in front of Izzie. He'd have to kill me before touching a hair on her head. I was shocked when Nate pressed his hand into Evan's chest to stop him.

"One more chance, go home."

"What're you gonna do, pretty boy?"

Evan got an answer in the form of Nate's fist in his face. He stumbled backwards and tripped, landing on his back. As he cursed on the ground, Sharice strutted over and spat on him.

"Let's get out of here." Izzie said, looking at Evan sprawled out on the pavement.

"Yeah I think Nate's gonna need some ice for that fist." I stifled a laugh.

Izzie's pov:

Nate had a bag of frozen peas on his hand as we sat on the couch at Casey's house. Casey was making jokes about what happened to try and lighten the mood.

"Nathaniel Richards: Justice Warrior." She said in a narrator voice.

"Oh my god shut up." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay but seriously, thanks Nate." I smiled softly at him.

"Yeah that was some crazy shit." Sharice chimed in.

"Thanks." Casey added.

"Don't mention it. As a former asshole, I don't like them." He joked, smiling.

We all laughed and I rested my head on Casey's arm. I released a calm breath and finally felt like I could relax.

I did what I said I would do with Nate. So now I can move on with my life. Hope you enjoyed

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