Chapter sixteen

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Izzie's pov:

It had been a while since Nate and Casey left and I was starting to get worried. I paced the room trying to push away negative thoughts when Jayson walked in.

"Hey, calm down, it's not like they murdered each other out there." He joked as he grabbed my shoulder to stop me from pacing more.

I laughed lightly and sighed, "Knowing Casey, that's always a possibility."

Suddenly, we heard some voices and footsteps. When I ran outside, my face automatically lit up when I saw Casey. Oh and Nate was there too I guess.

She casually jogged over and I wrapped her in a tight hug. I had no idea whether to be glad that she was okay or strangle her for making me worry.

"Woah, what's that for?" She asked, confused by the hug.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" I asked. I noticed that Casey winced in pain when I reached for her arm, so I lifted up her jacket sleeve and saw the bandages.

I asked her what happened and she said it was a long story. I turned and glared at Nate who got startled and started talking.

"First of all," he stated matter-of-factly, "Its not my fault. We had a small argument in the woods and she fell and cut her arm on a rock."

"Yeah, I'm just lucky he had first aid stuff on him." Casey chimed in.

"So what, you guys are BFFs now?" Jayson asked from a lawn chair.

"Oh god no, we're just trying to start with a clean slate," Casey corrected, looking horrified at the idea, "You should've heard the speech he gave back there. Very heartfelt."

She wiped a fake tear from her eye causing Nate to roll his and punch her shoulder lightly. I was slightly confused but at least she didnt want to kill him anymore.

Casey whined about how the injured shouldn't be abused and they walked over to the campfire area to get one started. As they did it the air was filled with laughter.

"Okay, I have no idea what's going on here, but its weirdly wholesome for Casey." I said, turning to Jayson.

He had a thinking expression on his face as he looked both of them up and down. "Oh well, might as well let this run its course."

I shrugged and smiled at them before turning back to Jayson. He asked for help to get some hotdogs to roast on the fire and plates. I agreed and we strolled over to the kitchenette.

As expected from a cabin owned by clayton, it had money thrown at it from all directions. Queen beds in the bunks, luxury bathrooms and a fully stocked and functional kitchenette. When we got back outside, Nate and Case were arguing about proper form with a lighter. As a result, it took forever to get the actual fire lit. At some point I had to get over there and light the damn thing myself.

Casey's pov:

I ate four hotdogs then went to relax on the couches in the common area. As I collapsed onto the soft cushions, a bunch of thoughts flooded through my head. I never thought I would like Nate, but here we were hanging out like when we first became friends a year ago. I'd already made it clear on the way back that if he does anything like that ever again it would be friendship terminated.

After a while, an announcement played on the loudspeaker. It was coach rydman.

"Attention maggo- I mean students. For anyone that's interested, there's canoeing at 3. That's all." He boomed through the speaker.

Izzie, Jayson and Nate filed into the room and sat with me. Goodbye peace and quiet. Then they all started talking about how the canoe thing sounded fun and saying we should check it out.

"It could be really cool!" Izzie beamed.

"Or it could suck." Jayson groaned.

"Either way we've got to at least see what's up." Nate chimed in.

"Casey, what do you think?" They all said at once, staring at me.

I hated being spotlighted like this. I really didn't want to but I also didn't want to side against Izzie. So in the name of nepotism, I said we should try it. A decision that I would probably regret.

The water was near freezing. I already wanted to head back. Nate grabbed some life jackets and Izzie found a canoe. We helped her put it in the water and almost tipped it over getting inside it. Once we were in the center of the lake, Jayson accidentally dropped his oar. He insisted on standing up to grab it which threw off the balance of the canoe. After some wobbling, and a lot of screaming, he sat down. 

"What the hell, man?!" Izzie yelled when he sat down, "Are you trying to capsize the boat?"

"Jeez, I'm sorry." he apologized.

"Not cool." I sighed as we rowed back to the shore.

We had all gotten out carefully except Jayson who slipped and landed in the ice cold water. I failed to stifle a giggle as Nate helped Jayson get out. Izzie was biting her lip hard to avoid laughing. The situation was very funny to everyone besides Jayson.

"That's just karma bro." Nate chuckled, slapping Jayson's back.

"N-Not f-funny." he stammered through chattering teeth.

"Let's get you to a hot shower before you die of hypothermia." Izzie said more seriously.

Jayson was blushing hard as he came out of the shower, fully changed. We were still cracking jokes at him and he looked really embarrassed. The subject changed to sports and relief flooded his face. 

"You should've seen as I flew up the field to score that goal. It was positively mesmerizing. I was basically the star of the whole game." Nate boasted loudly.

Jayson laughed a bit. "Nate please, you were on the bench for half the game. And you only got that goal because one of the other team's defenders got it with a lacrosse bat."

Nate blushed and started arguing with Jayson to cover his embarrassment while Izzie and I died of laughter. Then Nate decided to attack us asking how the track meet. His plan was immediately deflated because we told him that we'd won both our races. He huffed like a child throwing a tantrum and crossed his arms. It was the funniest shit I'd ever seen.

Overdue update? You'd better fuckin believe it. BUT I did it so shut up.

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