Chapter eleven

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Izzie's pov:

I felt gross as I stood outside my geography classroom. Mainly because I knew Nate was gonna be in there. Calm down, it's just geography, he can't do anything in class. I thought trying to calm any nerves I had. I sat down on at a desk and frowned perversely when Nate sat down next to me. It took all the strength in my body to not tell him where he could shove that pencil. In the middle of the lesson he slid me a note.

We have to talk.

And why would i talk to you?

Just meet me at the coffee shop on Firsch street at 5.

I still don't see why I should, so no.

Please, I'll leave you and Casey alone if you do.

Ugh fine.

Thx <3

I looked at the heart drawn on the paper and crumpled it up in my hand. The rest of the class felt like it took forever. Practice can't have come fast enough. Before practice, I decided to catch up with Casey at her locker.

"Hey beautiful." she said grinning as I walked up to her.

"Hey." I responded and she pecked my lips.

"You seem deflated, what's up?" she questioned, tilting her head slightly.

I wanted to tell her but I knew she wouldn't let me go if I did so i just shrugged and said, "Pop quiz." It felt horrible to lie to her but I would tell her right after. She nodded and took her stuff from her locker before grabbing my hand as we walked to the track. My performance at practice was lacking because I couldn't focus on anything but Nate. I had to lie to Coach Crowley about that too. All the lying made me sick.

The place was basically empty which made it easy to notice Nate waving me down from the corner. His face was repulsing but I had to get it over with. I took my time walking over to the table and sat opposite from him.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you came." he sighed as I sat.

"Nate what the fuck do you want?" I asked getting angry.

"Okay look, I just wanted to apologize for that time a little while ago." he said looking sincere.

I sighed and looked at him, "Whatever Nate."

I stood up and walked out. As I was leaving, I heard him groan in relief.

Casey's pov:

Izzie seemed kind of down, so I decided to get her this drink she liked from a coffee shop. But when I walked in the first thing I noticed was Nate. My curiosity peaked so I decided to walk forward a little to see who he was with. My heart dropped when I saw who it was. Izzie didn't tell me she was going to see him. No wonder she was acting weird before. I had no idea why she would lie to me but I knew it made me mad. As I walked away from the coffee shop, my vision was blurred with anger. If she wanted to talk to me, she would have to start by explaining why the fuck she was with Nate.

The next day I ignored her texts, calls and tried my best to avoid her in school. I was too mad to deal with her. After school I was lying on my bed scrolling through instagram when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled and the door swung open. I was annoyed to see Izzie on the other side of the door. She walked in crossing her arms and stared at me.

"What the hell Casey?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows, "Why haven't you responded to any of my calls or texts, you made me so worried!"

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you'd be to busy with Nate to answer." I spat angrily and glared at her.

She looked stunned and didn't say anything for a second. It was like she was trying to work out a response in her head. All that came out was a weak ,"What?"

"I saw you at the café, when were you gonna tell me that you went to see him?" I asked bitterly.

"U-um well I was going to but-" she mumbled.

I held my hand up to stop her. "Stop, don't lie to me again."

"I knew you wouldn't let me go if I told you." she sighed.

I asked her why Nate even asked her to meet him. She said he didn't give a reason but insisted she should go, then when she got there all he did was apologize. I looked into here eyes and groaned before burying my head in my hands. I knew she was telling the truth, it just hurt me that she didn't do that from the start.

"I'm so sorry." She pleaded.

"Its okay," I sighed and stood up to give her a hug, "Just don't hide stuff from me."

"I promise I won't do it ever again."she mumbled against my chest.

I closed my eyes and rested my chin on top of her head. I had missed her a lot. Avoiding her was really difficult. We stood in silence as I prayed that she would stay true to her promise.

Izzie's pov:

I knew Casey was really mad at me but the hug was really nice. I missed her so much during the day. Even though she accepted my apology I was sure she was still upset and I needed to do something to fix it. I hate having her upset at me. Yeah, I wasn't going to let Nate ruin what we had.

I mustered up some courage and looked up at Casey.

"I love you."

AAAAAAAAH apparently writing chapters in the middle of the night is unhealthy but I don't care. Stick with me folks, the next few chapters are gonna have so much fluff you might vomit.

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