Chapter 2

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This chapter contains smut, so if you aren't comfy with that, scroll past it. 

Izzie's pov:

As we entered the 7/11 I felt a desperate need for twizzlers and rushed over to the candy aisle as Casey got our slurpees. But out of the corner of my eye I noticed the cashier making flirty eyes at casey, who was oblivious as usual. My ears started to burn as Casey laughed at something she said. Then Casey called me over because she needed to pay and my blood boiled further because the cashier was completely ignoring my presence.

However, I got my satisfaction from the cashier's face as Casey bent down to kiss my cheek while she was ringing us up. "U-um so heres your stuff guys that'll be $5.99." Said the cashier as her face turned a violent shade of red. Casey handed the cashier the money and walked out with a confused look on her face. "That was weird," she said as we entered the car. "Why'd she get all blush-y all of a sudden?" I shrugged innocently and said "I dunno." As I drank my slurpee.

We sat outside the store for what felt like hours just talking, then Casey kissed me. In an instant, the kiss went from sweet to spicy as it became a heated makeout session. Her tongue brushed my lip asking for access which I granted by parting my lips slightly. Our tongues fought for dominance as I climbed onto her lap and the kiss deepened. Her hands caressed my thighs and she began to pepper my jawline and neck with kisses. It was like we were in our own world inside the car. I let out a soft moan as her hand went up my shirt. She dropped the seat back and we fell backwards. 

Suddenly Casey was on top of me and had unclasped my bra. Then she stopped. "Is this ok?" She asked genuinely concerned. I nodded furiously and motioned for her to continue. Then she captured my lips in another intense kiss. My hands travelled into her shirt to get her bra off as she tugged of my shirt. Then I felt my pants slip off too. Without warning, I felt a finger go into me. "NEWTON!" I half yelled, half moaned as she added a second one and began thrusting. More moans rumbled put of me as she continued thrusting and I panted exhaustedly when she stopped. "That was...." I began. ".......awesome." she said finishing my sentence.

And now I can say we had our first time outside a 7/11 at 12:00pm on a Saturday.

Spicy isnt it? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Thanks again for reading, I'll be updating when I can.

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