The Ma-beast Attack(Part-2)!

Start from the beginning

"S-sorry!" said Subaru while blushing and standing up and offering his hand to Rem to get up.

"Thank you, Subaru-kun" said Rem while blushing too and taking his hand.

But what he had over-looked was the horde of Ma-beasts following the land-slide, their foot-steps silenced by the the noise of the land-slide. When he realized about the ma-beasts it was too late... He got bit and clawed multiple times because he refused to let the girl get hurt.

The last thing Subaru saw before his consciousness faded was a enraged Rem with a horn on her forehead killing the Ma-beasts and Noelle forming a Rock dome around him and Meili.


"I... don't know this ceiling" muttered Subaru raising his hand in the air. The memories of the previous night flooded in his mind as he sat up straight he looked at his side to see Emilia sleeping on a chair in a village house.

"Emilia-tan's so cute when she is sleeping" said Subaru while smiling.

"Of-Course she's my daughter after all" said Puck appearing out of thin air making a weird pose.

"Good Morning Puck" said Subaru smiling at his antics.

"Good Morning Subaru, you got hurt pretty badly yesterday, you got my daughter all worried about you hmph!, but good job saving the children" said Puck floating into his palms and purring when he got petted by Subaru.

"Sorry for making you guys worry. But why is Emilia-tan sleeping here?" said Subaru while sighing.

"Though your spirit was healing you it seems she used quite some mana today breaking all those curses so she wasn't able to heal you completely , so me and Lia helped out,she just used a lot of mana let her rest for a while " said Puck floating back up and disappearing into the crystal.

'Aqua,Ruby,Lumi,Vega,Noelle,Jean thanks for helping me out yesterday' said Subaru telepathically.

'We will always help you out, contractor' said the spirits appearing in-front of him.

'Just don't get hurt so much, we don't like to see you get hurt.' said Aqua in a uneasy tone

'Sorry,Sorry I will try my best to not get hurt' said Subaru giving Aqua a thumbs-up and smile.

Subaru went out of the house to see Ram distributing steamed tatoes. Ram noticed him and walked towards him putting a hand in the basket and pulling out a tatoe and trying to put the hot tatoe in his mouth but he easily grabbed her hand and took the tatoe with his other hand and taking a bite.

"Not gonna work on me Nee-sama" said Subaru in a mocking manner.

"Hmph, good work Barasu" said Ram wearing a slight smile but it only lasted for a second.

"D-did I hear that correctly? did Nee-sama just say good work to me and smile?" said Subaru in a over-dramatic voice and pose.

"Want me to kick you Barasu? anyway The child Rem brought with you isn't waking up, Beatrice-sama said that you casted a spell on her and only you can remove it" said Ram in a questioning tone.

"She's the one who was controlling the Ma-beasts and the one behind this incident" said Subaru taking this conversation seriously.

"How can you be so sure?" asked Ram

"She is the only one who wasn't cursed." said Subaru.

"Okay, I will trust you for now and take her to the dungeon" said Ram preparing to leave.

"Dungeon?!, there is a dungeon? you guys never told me!" said Subaru shock evident in his voice.

"We don't ever use it so it doesn't require cleaning so it was irrelevant to you" said Ram walking away.

"Just son't go too hard on her Nee-sama, she is just a child" said Subaru waving at her.

"You don't have to tell me that Barasu" said Ram not bothering to look towards him.

He started walking around the village just in case there was any danger and he saw Beatrice calling out to him. They walked to a place no one could here them and Aqua suddenly appeared in-front of them.

"You are going to die in half a day, I suppose" said Beatrice emotionlessly.

"What? Why? How?!" said Subaru in shock.

"You got cursed by ma-beasts" said Aqua in a low voice.

"But you guys can remove it right?" said Subaru panicking.

"A lot of curses have been placed on you think of it as a knot of lot of threads, removing on thread is easy but removing so many threads is difficult and both of us can't do it, in fact" said Beatrice and Aqua nodding.

"But there must be a way to save my life right?" asked Subaru with a expression mixed with determination and fear.

"If you kill all the Ma-beasts that cursed you, you can live. The blue haired maid heard this and went in the forest alone to kill them, I suppose" said Beatrice.

"Beatrice-Sama, why didn't you stop her" Subaru heard a voice behind him and he turned around to see Ram.

"It is not my responsibility to see what she does maid." said Beatrice.

"I will save her "said Ram while walking towards the forest.

"Wait Ram you can't go alone I will come with you" said Subaru running towards her with Aqua following him.

"No, Barasu I will go alone" said Ram continuing to walk towards the forest. But after enough talking he was able to convince her. He took his sword and received some gifts from the villagers and set out to save Rem

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