"If anything, your father should be worried about offending the Malfoys, not the other way around."

"But my father is insane!"


"Just listen. . .what about someone like. . . Zabini?" Belle said sheepishly. She said his name so fast, Nephthys almost didn't hear it. Nephthys stared at her in disbelief for almost a minute before she raised her journal and began to hit Belle with it repeatedly.

"Hey — Ow!" said Belle as she shielded herself from the journal. Nephthys struck her one last time with the journal before she stood up. "You may not like to hear it, but Vincent really wants you, even after whatever you did."

"It's not me he wants," said Nephthys, "I'll set him up with Greengrass or something."

"Greengrass doesn't have veela blood," said Belle.

Nephthys glared at her "I absolutely reject that part of me! I told you to never mention it again." Not even the Malfoys knew. Nephthys found out when Rosie accidentally let it slip. Her first reaction was horror that she wasn't full human, it meant that she wasn't truly a pureblood. Her second reaction was disgust of herself for thinking such things and her third was worry about what the Malfoys would think if they ever found out.

"But it's one of the only things you have of your mother," said Belle wide eyed.

"I know you miss your mum and I'm sorry, but mine's not dead. I don't care if I have any part of her with me. Just the other day, she gave me a stupid necklace with a —" Nephthys froze. The necklace. The dreams stopped the same day she got the necklace and started the night she took it off. Could it be? But how?

"Do you even know how to take advantage of your beauty like other veelas?" Belle didn't notice Nephthys's interruption.

Nephthys turned back her attention to her, "No and I don't want to. I'm not part veela."

"You're lucky, I wish I had —"

"Belle!" Nephthys said sternly, "That's enough."

It was clear to the both of them that it was somewhat a sensitive topic, however Bell couldn't understand why and neither did Nephthys. Could it be for the reason Belle said? That Nephthys wasn't completely human? Or was it because it was passed down to her from her biological mother, who Nephthys didn't want anything to do with?

"Sorry," said Belle as she sat up, "I'm sorry, Neph."

"It's fine," said Nephthys as she stood up, "I won't be able to sleep anyway. Get some rest, Belle."

Nephthys grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her as she left the dorm quietly. She ventured into the common room and settled onto the sofa. She huddled in a corner with her blanket wrapped around her as she mindlessly stared at the fire in front of her. It popped and cackled, Nephthys was nearly in a trance as she stared at it and she hadn't even realized when she dozed off until she woke up with a start. She coughed as she bent her body forward. Her throat burned and she shut her eyes after her coughing fit subdued.

She heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned around. In the dark, she managed to catch the icy-blonde hair that belonged to Draco through the warm light of the fire.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Draco as he settled down beside her.

"I'm asking myself the same question," said Nephthys as she tightened the blanket around her, "Merlin, I don't feel well."

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