(YN): I was cut by Akame's sword. So I had to embrace Raijin's power to keep myself alive. As you can see, she left a reminder on me. *pointing to the black Murasame markings on your face*

Ruby, Vorda, and Rua were looking at you angrily while Erick and Zious were confused.

Ruby: That assassin bitch!

(YN): I was on the verge of dying when she sliced me. She's dangerous, everyone. This upcoming week, I want you all to train yourselves so we can have a better chance at surviving this war.

Erick: Huh?

(YN): Yes. I love you all like family. I want you all to stay safe. Erick, focus on speed so you can have that and power on your side. Ruby, practice improving your target practice skills to make your gunshots more effective. Vorda, rely on the depth of the usage of your ring so your ability can last longer. Rua, exercise a little bit more and try meditating so you can clear more of your mind after using your power. Zious, learn how to control your staff and increase it's range to create a more devastating impact. I'll have to keep my cool and embrace my inhumanity.

Erick: .....

Ruby: .....

Vorda: .....

Rua: .....

Zious: .....

(YN): Next week, we'll tarzzzzzget the Imperial force's unit base. Until then, try to improve yoursezzzzzlves.

(YN): You're all diszzzzzmissed. I'm sorry if you can't understand my language right now. I hazzzzve tzzzo get to bezzzzd. I'll see you tomorrozzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

You walked past the crew and went to your room. You closed the door and looked out the window to see the bright moon in the sky.

(YN): Kurome, I wazzznt to szzee you again, but I don't want you to seezzzz me lizzzke tzzzzzhis....

Your left eye glowed in the dark as you continued staring at the bright moon from the bedroom window.


The next morning, there was a big meeting being held at the big castle in the capital. The host of the meeting was Prime Minister Honest himself. Syura, the Minister's son, was there as well, including General Budo.

Honest: Ah. My precious son. It is so fine to hear from you again.

Syura: Same here, pops. I have finally fulfilled your request of "collecting a team of useful talent".

Honest: Oh really? Then would you kindly show them to me?

Syura clapped his hands together and a team of five people entered the room from the back door. Two girls and three men.

Syura: Meet Champ, Enshin, Izou, Cosmina and Dorothea.

Champ was the overweight dark-skinned man that was dressed up as a clown with clown makeup on his face, along with the small baseball cap on his head. He's a very disturbing pedophile that loves raping and killing children as a turn-on. His Teigu is Chaos Throw; Big Leaguer. It's six floating orbs with the elemental powers of storm, explosion, flames, ice, lighting, and rotting. Each orb could be thrown and will be activated.

Enshin was the slim, muscular man with the black triangular bob-like hairstyle. His outfit revealed his chest and his pants were black. His obsession is to rape and kill women and cause chaos. He's a misogynist. His Teigu is Moonlight Sword Dance; Shamshir. A curved blade capable of creating aerial slice attacks. Its power was based on the fullness of the moon.

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