Ch. 5 | Ieyasu's off day

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One day, that's all Ieyasu really needed to see just how much of a threat Shinichi Kudo -- or Conan Edogawa as he was to be addressed -- really was. Being in a younger body allowed him to get into the bath with his sister, and inside changing rooms with her. 

Now, Ieyasu would never consider himself someone violent, but mess with his family and he would have a gun pointed to your head in an instant. 

"Explain yourself, Holmes," said Ieyasu, with his gun -- which he dubbed as the I-Gun pointed at Shinichi's head. The detective paled seeing the gun put his hands up as if surrendering and took a few steps back.

Ieyasu probably didn't notice, but when he got serious he had an extremely imposing aura, the gun he pointed at Shinichi's forehead alone had the proud and famous detective shaking in his boots. 

"I-I swear I saw nothing I promise!" pleaded the detective, Ieyasu didn't think that was enough, he removed the safety out of his gun and stared straight into Shinichi's eyes. After a very tense couple of seconds, Ieyasu could tell the detective meant no harm and put his gun away.

"W-where the hell did you even get a gun from?" asked Shinichi as Ieyasu shrugged and ate his breakfast. 

"Do you know how you'll introduce yourself to the class?" asked Ieyasu, eating his cereal with a smile on his face. 

"No." answered the detective, eating at a slower pace than normal.

"Holmes, if you don't up your game, they'll discover your secret," said Ieyasu, putting another spoon full of cereal in his mouth. 

"Oi oi... not everyone pays attention to walking habits, breathing patterns and mannerisms," said Shinichi as Ieyasu put another spoon in his mouth, "I doubt the children I'll meet in school will even have a mind developed enough to understand normal people's mannerisms." said the detective, making Ieyasu sigh and shake his head. 

He in all honesty though that was a flawed way to look at it. 

"What if someone like that eventually appears?" asked Ieyasu, taking the last bits of cereal and putting it in his bowl. 

"The chances of that happening are extremely slim, they would have to either be a super genius or shrunk like me," stated Shinichi, making Ieyasu dryly chuckle.

'Or if you are reincarnated like me...' thought the boy while putting a spoon full of cereal in his mouth. 

Ieyasu suddenly felt a pain across his head, it was like a jolt, he gave a small grunt, put down the spoon on the bowl, and then held his head. 

"Oi! Primo! Are you ok?!" questioned Shinichi, hastily getting out of the chair he was sitting on.

"There's a disturbance in the force," said Ieyasu, removing his hand from his head and wincing. He tried to get up from the chair, but the moment his feet touched the ground his legs buckled and he fell on his knees. Now with one of his hands next to him and the other holding his head he tried to use the table as a support to get up.

Conan immediately ran towards the boy and placed his hand on his back, he was sweating buckets and to Ieyasu, it felt like he was in the warmest of countries during the peak temperature of summer.

"O-Oi! Primo! Are you alright?!" he could hear Shinichi worry about his safety but really his voice was extremely faint. His head felt like it was slowly splitting itself and being crushed by a hydraulic press at the same time.

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