Make Me Stay : six

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"Tita cubby?you're here!"

Oh God,No! Yeji heard Minju screaming and now she did noticed me too

"Tita cubby! Tita cubby!"

The two minions were literally hugging my legs now as if not wanting to let go of me. They began pulling me afterwards and let me sat on the couch.

The first minion, Yeji began playing with my hair as if she's a hairstylist while the second minion, Minju began playing with my eyes,nose and lips

Fucking minions!

"Ah,g-guys? How about a little help here?"

Everyone look at me for a while and began laughing

"You look awesome with kids,Chaeyoung. Let me take a picture"

"Yah,Nayeon unnie!"

Everyone chuckled and began teasing me. Dahyun unnie even told them that I made the newborn minion,Lia had her first smile just by hearing my voice.

Everyone was so fascinated and began telling me that I'm really a kid charmer

Kid charmer,my ass!

"Hey,chaeng. You and Mina should have your own baby soon,too. You guys were being left behind,you know"

"No thanks!"

"Yah! Chaeyoung, Mina badly wants a child too so stop being annoying!''

"I'm not being annoying, Jeongyeon unnie. Besides, Jihyo unnie still isn't having one either"

"Oh right,where's Jihyo unnie by the way?"

"She's still in Paris with her husband, Daniel"

Right,they're still in their honeymoon stage..

Everyone keep talking and giving tips to Dahyun and Momo unnie about taking care of the third minion,Lia

My stomache is now grumbling due to hunger when I felt a sudden pang of pain on my left arm


I look at Minju who's now showing off her sweet guilty smiles

"You,little fuck—"

"Yah! Son Chaeyoung!"

Mina looked at me as if warning me not to continue what I'm about to say while making her way to me. Tzuyu and Sana unnie followed as well and get Minju away from me

Jeongyeon unnie and Nayeon unnie did the same as well and get Yeji away from me

"What happened?"

Tzuyu asked me while giving me her signature death glares

"That minion—"

"You little dwarf,my child is not a minion!"

"Aish,fine. Minju bite my arm suddenly and I don't even know why. Look!"

I let them see the traces of that evil minion's teeth on my arm and frowned but they just started laughing at me

Sana unnie asked the evil minion why did she bite me but her answer just made everyone laughed even harder

"Cosh tita cubby ish sho cute and adoyaboy"
(" 'Cause tita cubby is so cute and adorable")

Aish,this evil minion really is so annoying!

"Okay,chaeyoung. Calm your ass down, Little Minju just really adores you"

"She's not,Dahyun unnie"

"She is and I'm sure you're future baby would be so lucky to have you so you better make one."

"It won't gonna happen,unnie"


Tzuyu hit me in my arms. Tsk, now I perfectly know where Minju got her habit of hurting people

"Stop talking nonsense,chaeyoung. Stop being selfish. If you don't want a child, then don't but let me just remind you that Mina unnie wants it so bad and you're really hurting her everytime you start blabbering about your hate towards children"

Tzuyu's words left me dumbfounded for a minute but that didn't changed my mind

"Sorry but I still don't want a kid around me,Tzuyu"

Tzuyu and Dahyun unnie just sighed..

"Look at Mina unnie,Chaeng. Look how happy is she holding little Lia. Look at her,Chaeng.."

I watch Minari while she's carrying that little minion. She's indeed happy but sadly,I can't give that kind of happiness to her

"I still can't,unnie.I'm sorry.."

"Okay, I won't force you anymore chaeyoung but please stop hurting Mina unnie even more. Stop saying you don't want a kid around you or anything because you're breaking her heart to pieces"

"But what should I do? I don't really want a kid around"

"You really sucks sometimes,Chaeng.."

"Thanks for the compliment,Yoda"

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically thanked Tzuyu

"I just wish and hope Mina unnie won't get tired of you and your nonsense mindset soon,Chaeyoung. Mina unnie is beautiful and smart. She deserves better than your selfishness—"

"What are you trying to say,Tzuyu?"

"What I'm trying to say is, stop giving Mina unnie some reasons to change,Chaeyoung. Stop giving her reasons to leave you.."

"She won't leave me just because I don't want a child,Tzuyu. That's kinda lame and funny"

"It's not,Chaeyoung. Tzuyu actually got some point so if I were you, I'd stop being selfish"

"I'm not being selfish,guys. Mina won't leave me just because of that and I'm sure she won't"

"Fine,but remember that we already warned you, Son chaeyoung"

Tsk! Dahyun unnie and Tzuyu were being so annoying. Warning? Why would they warn me when I don't even need one

Mina won't leave me just because I don't want a kid around

They're so funny..

I look at Minari once again. She's still happily carrying that little minion. Her gummy smiles were even visible and that means she's really happy

Dahyun unnie and Tzuyu's words began ringing in my mind..

No,Mina won't leave me..She would never and I won't let that happen,not ever!


Sorry for the typos✌🏻
Stay safe and stay healthy🥰

I'm the Mafia!🔥🖤
MITM has been on my head lately..
Ryujin baby and Yeji baby slays as always..
All of them do,but I'm a Ryeji bias so bare with me✌🏻

MAKE ME STAY (MAKE ME GO BOOK ll)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz