Dead man walking

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     I sat at my desk calmly filling out paper's with my trusty quill. I've probably had it since I moved away that's how trusty it is. I softly placed the last ink filled paper on top of a small pile I've filled out throughout the day. I looked over at my white porcelain tea cup with golden edges and a golden rose on the side. I picked it up to see that the tea inside wasn't hot anymore but rather warm. To tired to care I lifted the cup up to my lips and took a sip then put the teacup back down on my desktop.

       I got lost in my thoughts for a bit as I took a sip of my tea every so often. I wondered what England was doing at this moment probably out being a teenager in all honesty I just hope he's alright after that storm. My once blank face was now full of worry my eyebrows furrowed and the corners of my lips now tugging downwards into a small frown.

   My thoughts were interrupted by my son England walking through the door. To witch my worry turned into joy.

   "Dad? You in here?" He asked softly he was never really a talker.

    "Yes over here" I replied to him with soft and gentle words. England walked over to me a little shyly witch is strange for him usually he would run up to me and hug me like it's the end of the world. "Is something wrong dear?" I asked him the worry on my face soon returning. He looked up at me surprised.

"No no I'm fine dad-" he sounded a bit frantic but only now did I realize his clothes were wrinkled witch isn't not normal for him. I examined him more closely now and I saw something that I would never have guessed to seen on my son.

     "England..." my voice was monotone and sounded dangerous.

      "Y-yes dad?.." my poor boy stuttered out a small hint of realization glimpsed in his eyes.

  "Who did you do it with" I got straight to the point wanting awnsers to why my son has a hickys yes I found more.

   "W-Wales..." the smaller boy awnsered me. My breath hitched. 'Why that little-' I stormed out of the room leaving my son in my office what I didn't know is that Wales walked England home With my quill still in hand somehow I saw him about to walk out.

"Wait!" I somewhat yelled at him to witch he froze and turned to look at me. "Got something you wanna tell me?" I death glared him I'm quite surprised he didn't die right then and there by the glare.

The teen boy gulped and stared me in the eyes before saying with confidence.

    "It was an honor to fuck your son Mr. UK"

I stood there stunned I could see every equation I swear. I lifted up my quill to his neck and started to walk towards him making him naturally step back. "If you ever do shit like that again I'll have your head do I make myself clear?" I spoke to calmly.

   Wales nodded before he slipped and fell I on instinct caught him. "I mean it" I let the boy go and he ran away not looking back.

  "BRITAIN!" I heard a familiar Russian yell towards me "don't kill him!" I was confused. Soviet got to me and looked at me trying to find any traces that I killed Wales. Witch I didn't! Physically- but that's besides the point.

"I didn't kill him love he's fine trust me" I placed a small kiss on my Russians cheek.

"Ok good.." my love sighed before giving me light butterfly kisses on my face. "You sure you didn't kill him?" I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Yes I only threatened him like any good parent would" I smiled.

"You told him if he were to have sex with England again you would have his head didn't you" Soviet crossed his arms and looked down at me a bit with a raised eyebrow looking for an awnser.

"You know me so well" I sounded like a little kid who just got their favorite toy. I hugged Soviet giving him a loving kiss on the lips to witch he kissed back almost immediately. Once we parted for air I went back to my office to look for England.

  "England ?" I opened my office door to find that he wasn't there. "Must be in his room" I mumbled to no one in particular.

  I walked upstairs to England's room to find the door open. I peeked inside to find a scared looking England sitting on his bed curled up in a ball. On instinct I opened the door all the way and made myself to my sons bed sitting drown next to him. My little boy looked at me I could tell what he was thinking I sighed and pulled my son in my lap. He looked up at me surprised. I wrapped my one wing over him as a blanket and stared to rock him like a little kid. 

     "It's alright I'm not mad nor upset or disappointed I couldn't hold you back on life it's a forgive and forget incident" I spoke soothingly.
  England just nodded yawning softly it was 6:00pm and we were both tired.

   After a few more minutes of rocking England fell asleep and I was tired as well so I layed back on the queen sized bed still holding my son. I smiled and kissed his forehead before letting sleep consume me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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