A sick rainy day

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[All third pov]

Its been at least a week since Britain and Soviet got together everything was perfectly fine. There relationship was growing by They days and England was proud of his father and welcomed Soviet easily.

The two lovebirds were currently at Britain's house cleaning. when Britain started to cough and sneeze uncontrollably.

  "ты в порядке, любимая?"  (Are you ok love) Soviet asked worriedly walking to his love.

"im alrig-" The brit was interrupted by a sneeze and repeated himself "im alright" Soviet furrowed his brows in worry. Did I forget to mention Britain is learning Russian?

   "Are you sure?" the taller male placed a hand on the others cheek creasing it softly. To witch Uk nodded. The two kissed softly but parted once they heard thunder. "looks like a storm is coming Britain"

"indeed should we call England?" the shorter male had a hint of worry in his soft voice. Soviet nodded as he grabbed his phone.

Meanwhile England was having the time of his life at the party he was at before he got a call. "hold on its my dads boyfriend" some Oooo's could be heard but went quite. When England death glared em. "Hello?" the younger boy awnserd listening while Soviet talked to him about the storm and to keep in check with them during the night. "alright bye. also don't do anything to my dad while im gone." England joked hanging up before he could be yelled at. Putting his phone away he went back to the party the room being filled with laughs and conversation

. "hey~" England felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind

. "hey Wales" England leaned into the other males touch smiling.

[Back with Soviet and Britain]

the two males were blushing furiously. "I cant believe him-"

Britain said coughing after. Soviet picked up his beloved and walked to the bedroom sitting down on the bed with Britain in his lap. "Baby your sick...." Soviet spoke quietly to UK  to wich he nodded

. "yea guess so.." Britain sighed and snuggled into Soviets chest both quietly listening to the rain outside. Both just enjoying each others company

.  "Im gonna go get the cough medicine" Soviet got up while Britain looked at him in fear

"dont..." he said softly.  

"I have to" Soviet said walking to the bathroom to grab the Cherry cough syrup. Britain took this as a window to escape so he got out of the bed and ran downstairs hiding in the empty  top cabinet above the fridge. "not today love" Jesus thought as he heard footsteps around the house and his name being called.

"Britian!" Soviet walked around the house looks for Britain. "Britian love were are you!?" the taller male kept looks for the smaller British male. This whole senerio went on for 20 minute before Soviet found his partner in the cabinet he was hiding in. "hey~" Soviet smirked.

"hey..." Britain said a bit upset. " getting dragged out of the cabinet. Being carried to the bathroom.

"alright so I found some Advil pills" Soviet took out the Advil and handed it to Britain.

"oh thank god!" UK took the pills dry in relief feeling them kick in a minute later. "much better" the brit mumbled.

"I hope I don't want you to feel worse" Soviet lightly joked heading back to the bedroom with Britain.

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