Feelings blossom

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England was asleep at his home. Its been a week or so since the incident and Britain has been more jumpy. Soviet was sitting in Britain's living room watching as the smaller male paced back and forth. "Im a terrible father... I should have been there instead of at stupid work!" The poor Brit was over thinking things rambling on about how he messed up pacing faster and faster each word until he came to a halt by someone grabbing him.

    Soviet had enough of Britain beating himself up over what happened to England. So the Russian got up and grabbed Brit by the shoulders turning him around to face the talker male. "Britian.." he said in a harsh yet calm voice "It is not your fault England got hurt" Britain opened his mouth to say something but closed it not able to find the right words to say. "you are an amazing father and you care for England with all your life" Soviet sighed and let go of Britain feeling a bit guilty of yelling at the shorter.

    Britain was in shock and his head was clouded with a million thoughts at once his body moving without his consent and before he knew it Britain's lips met Soviets for a second. Before he realized what he did and blushed crazily. "I-Im so sorry! you should probably go now byeee!" Britain shoved a shocked blush I and confused Russian out of his house and looked the doors and turned the lights off heading to bed not bothering to change his head was a mess and his heart was throbbing.

     "what the hell.." they said in union

Let me be your wings (inspied by:ToxicTailes707)Where stories live. Discover now