Chapter 8: "Coffee"

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Oikawa woke up, feeling refreshed. It was amazing. He was happy, and that was all that really mattered. After waking up, changing, and getting ready he left his room. He walked over to the kitchen and saw Iwa, making coffee. "Hey 'Kawa. How'd you sleep?" Iwaizumi said looking up at Oikawa with the sweetest smile Oikawa had ever seen him wear. It immediately filled him with butterflies and he couldn't help but reciprocate the smile. "Good. Really good. Best sleep I've had in a while. No- make that ever!" Oikawa proclaimed. Iwaizumi's smile only grew hearing his best friend's happy sounding voice. The happiest he'd probably ever heard it in a while. "That's good. 'Slept really well, too. 'You want coffee?" Iwaizumi replied. Oikawa could hear the joy in his voice. This was it. This was true happiness. This is what he'd been longing for. What he'd been missing his entire life. "Yes please, Iwa! 'You know how to make it?" Oikawa asked. "Yup, leave it to me. Also, don't hold back on the feedback, just don't be a brat about it, m'kay?" Iwaizumi said, chuckling a little to himself, seeing Oikawa cross his arms and make a faux-pout, "excuse me? I'm never a brat!" Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes at that, but as much as they both wanted to keep joking with each other and play-fighting with each other, they couldn't stop beaming as Oikawa watched Iwa make coffee, Oikawa's perfectly. "Try it," Iwaizumi said as he handed Oikawa the steaming liquid. Oikawa just nodded and carefully walked over to the couch, desperately trying not to spill. Iwaizumi watched Oikawa in amusement as he effortlessly walked to the couch, placing his mug on the coffee table with no spillage at all. Oikawa scoffed. "Well, excuse me for trying not to spill in another person's house. I guess I should just throw this against the wall, my deepest apologies." Oikawa said, placing his mug on the coffee table as he scooted towards Iwa, smiling mischievously. Iwaizumi just lightly shoved him, but not in an effort to move him away. They both sipped their coffee, Iwaizumi looking at Oikawa for approval. "Hmm. Right amount of sugar, cream and love! Perfect," Oikawa said, giggling to himself. Instead of making a comment about the 'love' part of that sentence, Iwaizumi just smiled and looked away, continuing to drink his coffee. Oikawa sat there, drinking his coffee and using this time to reminisce. He looked around Iwa's apartment. He hadn't been there much before, he was always caught up with volleyball. But looking around, it was very Iwa. It was neat and tidy, but had a style to it that wasn't put together. It was kept, but not in a way that had much effort or thought put into it. Iwa had done the bare minimum to keep it clean. That was always Iwaizumi's room in high school, so Oikawa liked seeing his apartment like this. It brought him back. He looked next to the front door, and there, hanging next to it was their graduation picture. Makki, Matsun, Iwa and him, with some of the second and first years of the Aoba Johsai team behind them, cheering them on. It reminded him of volleyball again. Except this time, he didn't miss it. In fact, he had a new-found hatred for it. A rage. Looks like I'm not getting over volleyball anytime soon. Oikawa sighs. As much as the anger was just a sign he wasn't getting over volleyball that easily, it was still progress. A baby step, but progress nonetheless. And with that, he was content. For now, and that's all he needed. He was happy.

He looked over to Iwaizumi, who was surprisingly already looking at him. It wasn't in a weird way, he was probably just trying to figure out what Oikawa was thinking. He didn't blame him, the depressed expression on his face didn't reflect how he felt on the inside and it was a little worrying from an outsider's point of view, but Oikawa just gave a reassuring smile and Iwa loosened up. He smiled back. Oikawa gazed into Iwa's eyes. A dark greenish hazel colour that seemed to change ever so often. They sat there, looking into each other's eyes for a while. It wasn't a friendship thing, they both recognized that, but at this point they didn't care. They stayed there. For a while. Looking into Iwa's eyes made Oikawa feel nice and warm. Yeah, I'm definitely in love.

"Hey, Tooru?" Iwaizumi said in a low voice. They had been on the couch, Oikawa on his phone and Iwaizumi doing college work. He took the week off for Oikawa, but that didn't mean he didn't have any work. He was in his final years, so it was piling on him already. He was not excited to go back and have to catch up on what he missed out on, but Oikawa was worth it and he knew that. "Yeah?" Oikawa replied. "Can you check the time for me?" Iwaizumi asked, rubbing his eyes. "It's on your laptop, idiot. But it's 3:26." Oikawa said. Iwaizumi tried to think of a snarky remark, but it wouldn't come. "Take a nap. You look tired." Oikawa said easily. "I was just about to say that," Iwaizumi said, chuckling tiredly. He had a lot of work, and his group members in this group project were being really difficult, so he was exhausted and stressed. "Wake me up at five, got it?" Iwaizumi said. Oikawa glanced up. "Yeah." Oikawa set an alarm so he wouldn't forget, and Iwa was off to his room.

In between the time when Iwa went to nap and 5, Oikawa had been scrolling through social media, and talking to Makki, which was quite a pleasant conversation. It felt like nothing had changed; like no time had passed. It was nice. He didn't want to regret his choices that brought him and his closest friends further apart, just to lead him to a life he didn't even enjoy. Sure, beach volleyball was fun, but it wasn't worth his life. Even if he didn't have much of a life here, it was still better than Argentina. When the alarm went off for five, Oikawa slowly got up and knocked on Iwa's door gently. "Iwa?" He called out. His response was a snore, which made him chuckle. He slowly creaked open the door and called out again. There was a bit more stirring, but Iwa was still fast asleep. He had always been a heavy sleeper. Oikawa walked towards him, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Iwa." He called out again, and again. He placed the back of his hand on Iwa's forehead and sighed. He wanted to shout, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he slightly shook Iwa until those beautifully coloured eyes blinked open to look up at him. "You have nice eyelashes," Oikawa said, smiling. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and sat up, "shut up." He swung his legs over the bed and stayed there for a second, until it looked like a lightbulb went off in his head. He grabbed Oikawa's hand, dragging him out of his room with him. "I was going to say this earlier, but I forgot. Guess what I found," Iwaizumi said. He was a bit more cheery than usual, which only brightened Oikawa's mood more. "Hmm? I'm not sure, what?" Oikawa said. Iwaizumi brought Oikawa down to the couch, as he went over to the cabinet in the corner of the living room/kitchen/dining room? It was all of them, at this point. He came back to sit down next to Oikawa with a book. No- a photo album. Oikawa stared in awe as Iwaizumi opened the album to reveal childhood pictures of him and Iwaizumi. The pictures started out young-young, and gradually grew older. "I forgot this existed!" Oikawa exclaimed, clearly excited. "Yeah, me too. This was for your birthday from auntie, was it not?" Iwaizumi asked, glimpses of eagerness showing through his voice and expression. "Yeah! My favourite gift yet!" Oikawa said. Iwaizumi smiled at those words. Looking through the album, there were many memories of their friendship, from endearing to embarrassing. Nevertheless, it was all so precious to the both of them. At the end of it, they were both very emotional. But... the good kind. "I could use another cup of coffee." Iwa said. Oikawa looked at him, "what are you? Addicted?" Iwaizumi chuckled, "I know you ain't talkin'." They both laughed and made another two cups of coffee, exactly how Oikawa liked it. "I say we order in. 'Not in the mood to cook," Iwaizumi said softly, his voice a tiny bit weak from drowsiness. "Yeah, good idea." 

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