Chapter 6: "Alien Invasion"

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They were outside a movie theater. A very familiar one, at that. That movie theater had been there for decades, Oikawa remembered his grandparents talking about how it was there when they were kids. It was old and was in desperate need of renovations, but if anything that just added to its charm. It was the only theater in Miyagi when they were children, so it had a very special place in his heart. He remembered fragments of going to see his first movie here when he was maybe four, and that was the day he fell in love with aliens. I guess some things just never change. The theater was a small building, old and was an odd cream shade of brick, there being stains of dirt around the peeling paint, but if anything that just added to the nostalgia. As much as describing it may sound like it was dirty, it was actually fairly clean. From what Oikawa could remember from when he was a child, the staff worked really hard to keep the theater clean, and that's just what they did. Whenever Oikawa could save up enough money, he and Iwaizumi would come here together, playing rock-paper-scissors on whether to watch a terrible CGI action movie, or a horribly done sci-fi. Most of the time, Iwaizumi would win, as much as Oikawa would pout and whine about losing and having to watch whatever too fast paced action movie that Iwaizumi picked out which Oikawa could never seem to wrap his head around, Oikawa enjoyed seeing his best friend so entertained and passionate, it brought him happiness. 'Jesus Christ. How long have I had these feelings?' Oikawa asked himself. 'There's no way that's normal.' Still, Oikawa shrugged and had a fond feeling in his chest. Iwaizumi had been clever to bring him to these nostalgic places; it did make him feel better. Oikawa felt more fondness surrounding him as he got out of the car and was handed a ticket by Iwaizumi to 'Alien Invasion'; a new alien movie Oikawa was going to see in Argentina when it came out, but forgot about due to his circumstances. He smiled and muttered a small, "thank you," to Iwaizumi as he and Iwaizumi walked into the familiar building, barely changed from when they were little.

Iwaizumi's POV

They walked into the building, nostalgia filling Iwaizumi up with fondness, and taking one look at his best friend, he knew Oikawa felt the same. Iwaizumi was glad. 'Perfect.' He thought. This is exactly what Iwaizumi was hoping for. As much as Oikawa's friends knew him, as much as Oikawa's parents knew him, fuck as much as Oikawa knew himself, Iwaizumi knew him better than anyone; even if Iwaizumi nor Oikawa realized that, everyone else sure as hell did, and they also knew though Iwaizumi was as dense as a brick sometimes, he knew Oikawa well enough to be able to deal with this situation. Sure, sometimes Iwaizumi didn't know what Oikawa was feeling- in fact he was terrible at reading anyone's feelings- but he always knew how to help Oikawa. Especially when talking about volleyball. After Oikawa had that bad injury to his knee, which soon became known as his 'bad knee', Iwaizumi took extra care in making sure that Oikawa didn't overwork himself. Both he and Oikawa knew that another bad injury to that bad knee could leave Oikawa unable to play volleyball, but Iwaizumi knew best that Oikawa was terrible at taking care of himself and probably would still push himself after the 'bad knee' became the norm', and he was right. Oikawa's knee had given out on him many times- some Oikawa's fault, and some not- and after those incidents, Oikawa would overthink like normal, ranting to Iwaizumi, getting Iwaizumi to think; getting Iwaizumi to think about what would happen if Oikawa's knee completely gave out, and how he could help Oikawa deal with this. It would be devastating for the both of them, but Iwaizumi felt incredibly selfish when he thought happily about Oikawa's plans to go to Argentina and how if his knee was permanently injured, he wouldn't go to Argentina. Iwaizumi was never fond of the Argentina plan and this caused many quarrels between the two best friends. Though most of Iwaizumi's doubts about Argentina were about Oikawa's wellbeing, Iwaizumi slightly wanted Oikawa to stay close. Who's he kidding? It's not slight, it was a full fledged desire. One that only got stronger as he spent more time with Oikawa.

Oikawa's POV

After the movie was done, they left the theater and hopped back in the car. Oikawa was rambling about how the aliens were so cool, but some things weren't accurate, but how he loved this part- and so on and so forth. It made Iwaizumi happy to hear Oikawa so passionate about something; the only thing he was passionate about, now that he couldn't play volleyball anymore. "Iwa-Chan?" Oikawa asked. "Yeah," Iwaizumi replied, easily through a tired voice. It was almost midnight, so understandably. "Thank you, again," Oikawa said softly, throwing a small, but genuine smile in Iwaizumi's direction. "Yeah, no problem. It's really nothing," Iwaizumi said, smiling too. He kept his eyes focused on the road as he drove, but watched Oikawa's satisfied face through his peripherals. He watched as Oikawa's eyes closed as he slouched against the passenger seat a little, before slowly drifting off to sleep. Thank you, Iwa-Chan. You don't know how much I needed this, and how much I needed you

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