Chapter 28 ~ I cant...

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"Hey Hope! I feel like we haven't talked in years." Ned states loudly across the school hall. I laugh as I turn to see both Ned and Mj standing behind me, Ned with his usual smile and Mj still standing like she hasn't got a care in the world.

"Hey guys. Where's Peter?" I ask while shutting my locker door. I turn back around to look at them and they both shrug.

"I'm pretty sure he went straight to lesson. I think he had to talk to the teacher about the trip tomorrow." Mj says, the lack of care clear in her voice. My eyes widen in surprise when I remember the trip.

"I completely forgot about that! I need to pack! I so regret agreeing to be the assistant."I mutter out, groaning at my forgetfulness.

~ Lunch ~

"Hey guys." I greet everyone as I sit down next to Peter and smile at him. He smiles back as Ned starts complaining about his last lesson.

After a few seconds I turn my attention to the food and start playing with it with my fork. I start thinking about the trip and what I need to pack when I suddenly hear someone shout my name.

"Hope! Are you listening?" I look up to Mj and smile at her as all three of them look at me with a confused gaze in their eyes.

"Uh yeah sorry. Daydreaming." I say bluntly urging her to continue with what she was saying.

"You ok? It's nearly end of lunch and you haven't touched your food." She questions. I look down and shrug, I guess I was too focused on what to pack.

"I'm not hungry, thanks though." I say as I offer my food to each of them silently before turning and chucking it in the bin. I wipe my hand on my jeans then look at them again.

"Peter, ready for lesson?" I ask. His eyebrows are furrowed but he slowly nods before walking towards me.

Why are they al acting weird for? It's not like I always eat my lunch anyway. Plus, I was just busy thinking about the trip.

"You sure you ok?" He asks as we walk through the slightly crowded hallway.

"Yeah! I was thinking about the trip and stuff." I reassure him. I realise he's started to slow down as he stares forward. I look to where his eyes landed and see Liz flicking her hair off her shoulder and laughing.

I flick my eyes between the two of the and hold back the tears that I feel in my eyes. I look back at Peter and see a small smile spread across his face. I cough gaining his attention and his smile fades slightly.

I focus my gaze to the floor,"I-I'm gonna go to the toilet. I'll meet you in class." I choke out before quickly walking to the toilets, sighing In relief that I didn't cry in front of him.

I sat in the stall as I listen to the door open and close every few seconds, a couple tears falling down my face. I knew it. I can't trust anyone and I let him get too close to me. I saw that look in his eye when he looked at Liz.

Why did he ask to kiss me? Why did he come over? Why did he do all of that, when he's in love with someone else?

I always noticed it before but I thought maybe I changed it. Maybe I was better than her. But no, I was always and will always be second choice.

Suddenly a couple of voices interrupt my train of thought. I pick my feet up from off the floor and put it on the toilet seat, hoping they don't see me in here. God knows how embarrassing that would be.

"He was staring at you. I just know he's talking to Hope just to make you jealous. I mean why else would he?" I heard my name and I suddenly start to listen closer to the conversation.

"I don't want to be mean but he's just using her. I made eye contact with him in the hall and I saw how sad Hope got, she's just not me and he's too obsessed with me." I hear Liz's voice eco through the bathroom as her friend laughs at her comments.

"I feel kind of bad for her. Who knew Peter Parker was a player?" Lizs friend jokes and Liz laughs in reply.

"Seriously, though. It's kinda her fault. I mean she'd have to be delusional to think he'd pick her over me." She scoffs, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"So true. I mean look at her, she's nothing compared to you. Don't worry, Liz. Peter will gain the courage to ask you out soon enough." The friend replies,comforting Liz. I hear Liz put something back in her bag before puckering up her lips.

"Lips look good?" She questions as they start to walk out the bathroom.

The tears start falling down my face quicker and heavier and I wait until they have definitely left before I try to compose myself.

I take deep breaths and control my breathing. When I know there's no one outside I slowly open the door to see myself in the mirror.

My eyes red and puffy, my nose tinted pink on the end and my face slightly flustered. I looked a mess, but I was already 10 minutes late for lesson so I have to figure something out quickly.

I turn on the tap and splash some water over my face. I dry it before messily applying some mascara to distract everyone from the horror display everywhere else.

~ In Lesson ~

After persuading Mr Williams that I had allergies and I had to wash my face in the bathroom I sat down as far away as possible from both Liz and Peter who, coincidentally, were sat quite close to each other.

Liz must of figured out I overheard everything she said because every few seconds she would shoot me apologetic looks and I would just pretend I didn't notice and look to the front.

Peter on the other hand was completely clueless. He was confused as to why I sat over on the other side of the classroom but other than that he just thought I was being weird. Maybe I am.

~ At Home ~

I'm packing my bags for the trip tomorrow and the only thing I'm required to bring is a notepad and pen. Other than that I have complete freedom.

I pack a couple of tops and some jeans and a pair of shorts. I double check with Mj that I have everything I need then I leave the bag by the door.

I sit down on the sofa and start to dread the trip coming up. If I wasn't going, I'd be able to get a break from Peter, allowing me to figure out what's going on in my head. Then maybe, I could be his friend again. But right now I don't even want to talk to him.

It starts to get late so I make myself dinner, trying to distract my thoughts. After I eat dinner I go to bed and put on a film in the background.

How great is this trip going to be! I mentally roll my eyes and slowly fall asleep, hoping to finally gain some peace.

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