Chapter 3 ~ The Project...

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Throughout the lesson me, Peter, Mj and Ned talk until the bell rings. I ignored that weird moment with Peter and luckily, he did too.

"Before you all go, you guys have a project to complete by the end of the week. You will be working with the person on your tables so I hope you chose to sit with the right people!" She states before quickly covering what we have to do for the project.

I put my books in my bags when she finishes speaking and just before I walk out, the teacher pulls me to one side. "Hi hope, is it?" I nod, slightly tired of always having to confirm what my name is with her. She cuts me off before I can say anything.

"I see you are hanging around Peter and Mj, and you are quite the smart girl when it comes to science, I got sent a recommendation email from your old teacher." She states. I can see where this is going. "There's a club that Peter and Mj are both a part of that I think you would be suited for, try talking to Peter about it. Ok?" She says, smiling as she finishes her sentence.

"I'll ask him about it, thanks." I return the smile and walk out and see Peter and Ned waiting for me.

I walk over to them and they both send me a small smile, "What was that about?" Peter asks as we walk to the cafeteria.

"Oh just some science club she wants me to join. Apparently you and Mj are apart of it or something." I say shrugging towards the end.

"Yeah, it's something like that. We have competitions and stuff like that. You should join." He says shifting his eyes over to me quickly.

I laugh. "Yeah I don't join clubs." I state. When I see his questionable look I explain, "I don't plan on staying in this school for to long." I confirm as we walk through the cafeteria doors.

We spot Mj waiting on a table for us all so we start making our way over to her. "What do you mean you don't plan on staying here for long?" Peter and Ned ask together, both looking at me confused as I sit down.

"I mean, I never really stay in one place for to long." I reply, hoping the questions come to an end. I don't know by, but I've already said more than I should have.

Mj passes me a tray full of food and I thank her quietly. Ned buts in before Peter can ask about it, which I'm thankful for. "The food here isn't the best but it's not that bad. Just stay away from the first cook, she looks like she spits in the food." Ned says, a serious look on his face as he nods. I laugh and look over to the first cook. Okay,yeah, he was right.

"So do your parents work in different places a lot? Is that why you move around?" Mj asks as she can see Peter wanting to ask more. I shift uncomfortably in my set as their eyes turn to me.

"Uh something like that." I say, avoiding the question as I don't like people knowing too much about you and my life. I mean, what is there to know, it's all so depressing. Plus in a month or two I'm gonna end up leaving anyway, right?

After a while of talking I see Peter staring and I can tell he isn't listening to the conversation so I turn around to look at what he's staring at and see a girl walking with her friends. She's walking gracefully, her brown hair flowing naturally behind her and you can tell she's well liked because everyone smiles at her as she walks past..

"So, who's the girl?" I ask Peter and he quickly stops staring to looks at me. His eyes go wide and he starts to nervously play with his food.

"O-oh no one." Peter stutters, looking more awkward than usual. Wow, he must really like her then.

Ned laughs and begins to expose him, "That 'no one' has been Peters crush for years. He's never been able to talk to her though. Quite sad actually." Ned sighs, looking sympathetically towards Peter. I hear a thud from under that table and Ned lets out a small yelp. A Pained look forming on his face.

"So, about the club. You should join, even if you don't think you're going to stay here for long." Peter says quickly changing the subject. I let out a small laugh before replying.

"Yeah, maybe I will." I say, sending him a small smile. I mean, it would be nice to join a club I guess. I have always wanted to, I e just never thought there was any point.

We begin to talk about the project and what we're all going to do while we finish our food. I look around the room, assessing everyone in there. I can already tell who to avoid and who seems nice enough to say hi too, let's just hope I'm right and don't end up talking to the wrong people.

After I finish lunch I walk with Mj to lesson as we have most of the same classes for the rest of the day.

~ End Of The Day ~

I finally finish my last lesson and go to my locker, Peters already there grabbing some of his stuff so I go over and say hi.

"Hey, Peter." I say, a wide smile crossing my face. Peter turns around and drops his book as he sees me.

"Oh, uh hi, hope." He stutters, quickly picking up his books and I open my locker, chucking him an amused stare.

"I guess I got you back for scaring me this morning." I joke and he smiles in return, Nodding in agreement.

"How was your first day?" He says as he puts his books into his locker. I lean against my locker and look over to him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"It was alright, Apart from Flash hitting on me all day, I don't have a clue what his problem is." I joke pushing myself off the Locker, walking to the door with Peter by my side.He laughs as he catches your jokey tone.

"Yeah, no one does. That's just flash for you" he shrugs looking into your eyes. I look back at him with a tight lipped smile, our eyes boring into eachother once again.

"Anyway, we have that project to work on and we were all gonna go to the cafe after school to work on it tomorrow. Are you able to come?" He says, his eyes staying on mine.

I open the front door and see my bus about to pull up to the bus stop. "I have to go, sorry Peter, here's my number text me the details ok?" I smile as I hand him a piece of paper and run for the bus before he can say anything.

As I jump on the bus I look out the window to see Peter smiling down at the piece of paper. His head lifts and he sees me through the window. I offer him a smile and a small wave and he returns it, putting the paper into his back pocket.

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