Chapter 11 ~ The Message...

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This isn't the first time I've gone through this, at some of the other Orphanages something like this has happened, but not as bad as this. I decide to text Peter just to make sure he doesn't tell anyone, I can't have this getting out.

~ Messages ~

Hey, so about the message you saw. It was my friend from my old school, we got in an argument and she thought I was moving back to her school so yeah. Please don't tell anyone, it's not that serious.

Uh yeah. I won't tell anyone but I really think you should

He doesn't finish the message and he starts typing again after a couple of minutes.

You can talk to me if you need to, you know that right?

Thank you Peter, but everything is fine here. I have to go, my stop is coming up. See you Monday.

Yeah, see you soon, hopefully. I mean not hopefully but like see you soon hopefully safely... What I mean is see you Monday.

He stumbled the last few messages, making me wonder if he really did believe me or not.

~ Back At The Orphanage ~

When I get to the orphanage I open the door and see Mrs. Bernadine in the kitchen. I try to sneak past her but she hears the creaky floorboard as I step on it. I squeeze my eyes shut, scared of what's going to come next.

She turns her head quickly and stares into my soul, like she learnt everything about me in just that look and is judging me for all of it. My confidence wavers slightly at this as she stomps over with her heavy feet and raises her arm above me.

"Wait! You can't hit me. People are starting to suspect things! And it hurts which isn't great." I shout quickly, my hands blocking my face as my eyes squeeze shut, waiting for impact.

Luckily, she puts her arm down and thinks for a second, "They may be able to notice the marks on your face, but that's not going to get you out of trouble missy." Her voice sounds scary as she quickly reaches round my head, grabbing a fistful of hair.

I let out a small yelp as she tugs on it slightly, my eyes beginning to water. I look inter her eyes, hoping to find a bit of sympathy, anything. But there was nothing.

"You're worthless. You know that? You're just a murderous child, I bet you killed your parents didn't you?" She spits out, her saliva landing on my face. "I bet you whining drove them insane enough that they drove themselves into a lamppost, hoping to kill you off!" She shouts.

I gasp as she throws my back against a wall, using the grasp she had on my hair. I wince, a quiet sob leaving my lips. I didn't know she knew about my parents crash, but I guess she's made up her own stories about it.

The only thing is, she's only speaking facts. It is my fault. I did this to myself. I did this to them. This is what I deserve.

As I repeat that in my head over and over again, I watch as Mrs. Bernadine grabs her walking stick that she issues occasionally. I suck in a deep breath as she sends a large blow to my ribs, where she kicked not too many days ago.

I keeled over in pain, my knees banging harshly against the floor. This doesn't stop her as she sends another hack to my stomach. If I had eaten anything for the past couple days, it would've been all over the floor.

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