She what

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Antonio's POV
Ad-will will you gotta help
Wh-oh my god jj what the hell happened
Sb-I-i don't know she was fine then she passed out and an-i
Nm-hey will run let's run some tests sylvie she's gunna be okay
Gd-hey how's our girl
Dd-will just took her to run some tests
Oh-hey mama
Nm-why are you wearing a Disney shirt
Oh-jay Conner Kevin and Kelly took us to Disney world
Nm-hu ok
Oh-mommy is jayje gunna be okay
Nm-we don't know hunny daddy took her to run some tests
(10 minutes later)
Mr-hey pops
Hv-hey kid
Ar-yea baby
Mr-I'm scared I don't want jules to die
Ar-me too baby me too
Sb-has anyone seen Antonio
Gd-no but imma try go and find him
Sb-ok thanks gabs
Sb-you okay kids
Ed-I'm just worried
Sb-come here group hug
Gd-found him
Ad-hey I'm fine
Wh-hey guys
Sb-hey will is she Okay
Wh-when I was running some tests me and doctor rhoads found a brain
Cr-she has a brain tumour
Sb-you can remove it right
Wh-yea we can we booked her in first thing tomorrow morning she also lost a lot blood when she fell and hit her head
Ad-can't you just give her more blood
Cr-yes but it's not that simple
Sb-what so you mean
Cr-your daughter has the rarest blood type in the world AB-
Ed-wait I have that blood type is there any thing I can do I mean she my little sister
Wh-actually there Is
(3 hours later
Ad-hey baby how you feeling
Jd-like ET came out from under my bed and stabbed me 23 times
Ed-jj I thought we had a deal never mention ET because now Mami knows that you've watched it
Jd-well dat souneded like a you problem
Jd-tio matty
Jd-what's wrong with me and why do I need surgery
Nm-you got a tumour and me and will and Conner are gunna remove it
Nm-well the tumours a bad guy a villain
Jd-like ultron????
Nm-exactly like ultron
Jd-so MY ultrons got to go bye bye
Wh-we're taking her up to surgery
Sb-see you soon baby
Ad-I love you 3000 Miha
Jd-I love you too papi

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