Are you ok?

405 5 0

(Ch-hermann o-Otis jc-cruz sk-Stella Kidd ks-sevride)
Bretts POV:
Ch-omg that's great news.he's says as he kisses me on the head
Ch-I'm so happy for u both of u
Ad-thank u Hermann
Ch-10% off all drinks tonight
Gd-wow thanks hermann so generous
Sb-wham no I can't drink anymore
Sk-ok I'm going to take sylvie home
Ad-ok.he kisses Brett
Gd-I'll come with you
Mc-ok I'll get Louie to sleep.he kisses her
Gd-I'll only be an hour
  *the next morning*
*Antonio's POV:*
I wake up to here Brett throwing up I couldn't find my top so I just ran straight into the bathroom to see her in my top throwing up
Ad-hey baby
She gets up and walks to the bedroom and gets changed
    *3 hours later*
      *bretts POV:*
Ambo 61 gunshot victim 48 dentaila ave*
Mc-be cearful girls
Sb-we will 
   *at the location*
Gd-hello firefighters did anyone call for a paramedic
Yh I did a man said pointing a gun at me
Gd-hey ok who's hurt
He points the gud a t bretts head.this way he says
Sb-hey what's his name
It's Arron
Gd-ok Arron can you hear me
Sb-hey do you have a name
Jason but that's beside the point he says firing at shot at the table behind gabby
Gd-hey this guys bleeding out
Gd-we've got a second gunshot to the head
Sb-gabby...this guys gone... 

Writers note:sorry this is short I'm working on the next chapter now

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