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Brett Is now 8 and a half months pregnant
Bretts POV:
Sb-I'm gunna miss you guys
Gb-your going on maternity leave not leaving us
Sb-I know
Ch-it's gunna be strange without you
Sb-hey gabby have fun with mcaully
Gd-oh I will
Sk-bye Brett bye little man
Ch-it's a girl
Sk-No it's a boy
Sb-ok imma go say goodbye to boden
*ambulance 61 truck 81 squad 3 house fire 63 brlft ave*
Mc-let's go
Gd-mcaully hurry up
Sb-hey chief u came to say goodbyeto you
Wb-good bye bye
   Antonio's POV:*
Ad-hailey hailey HAILEY
hu-what what
Ad-I need a pen
Hu-can't help you there jay stole all my pens and then snapped them when he got angry
Jh-hey I said I was sorry
Hu-Yh but you didn't mean it
Jh-I make it up to you tonight
Ar-get a room
Hu-you can't talk
Ka-can we change the subject
Kb-what do you think Sylvie and Antonio's babs sex is
Hu-I think it's a boy
Jh-the world could not handle a baby Antonio
Ad-I take full offence
Vr-well I think it's a girl
Hv-I have to agree with rojas but right now we have a case
Hv-14 year old female beloved to be trafficked from Guatemala to Chicago
Ar-that's awful
Kb-and she's only 14 years old
Hv-the cops she talked to said the sell girl from the ages of 7-16 to the highest bidder
Ad-that's messed up
Hv-the managed to escape from where she was being held I wan Kim and hailey to go talk to the girl she's either her parents
Dawson halsted and v I want you to see if you can find anything on the other girls
Bretts POV:*
Wb-Brett what's wrong
Sb-chief me water just broke
Wb-ih damm

One Chicago Brett and atonino [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now