Gone gone gone

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Antonio's POV:
Ed-papi wake up I am not changing jules diaper no way
Ad-ok ok I'm up
Sb-what's going on
Ad-nothing baby go back to sleep
Sb-no I can't I'll go make breakfast
Dd-good morning
Sb-morning what you want for breakfast
Dd-ummm bacon
Sb-ok go ask your sister
Dd-she's wants the same
Sb-ok thanks
Ad-looks who's awake
Sb-there's my cute little girl
Ed-awwww cute
(5 minutes later)
Sb-breakfast is served
Ad-*my phone goes off*
Sb-hey who is it
Ad-it's Laura?
On the phone:
Ad-I know I know I have the kids for the whole weekend
L-it's not that Antonio
Ad-what is it then...Laura what arnt you telling me
L-I got got a really good job offer
L-it's in Germany and umm I'm taking the kids with me
Ad-no you can't take my children away from me
L-well I'm there mother
Ad-have you even talked to them about this
L-no but I will tonight so don't say anything to the kids
Ad-I won't let you take them even if I have to sue you for custody
L-ok just to let you know I will destroy you
    *she hangs up*
Sb-everything ok baby
Ad-Eva,Diego go get jules ready then get yourselfs ready your mamas coming to pick you up in 45 minutes
Ed-ok papi
Sb-ok what's up
Ad-so urrr Laura got a job in Germany and she wants to take the kids I already said I would sue for custody
Sb-I know everything will be ok baby
  (3 hours later)
Evas POV:
Me and Diego were in my room looking at pictures of jules
Ed-aww look at how cute she is in her onesie

Laura what arnt you telling me L-I got got a really good job offer Ad-niceL-it's in Germany and umm I'm taking the kids with me Ad-no you can't take my children away from me L-well I'm there mother Ad-have you even talked to them about this L-no b...

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^^^shes wearing this in the photo there looking at
Dd-aww Ik
L-kids get down her I need to talk to you
Ed-what do you need
L-we are moving
Dd-cool where to
L-we are moving to Germany
L-ye I got a high pay job
Dd-and papas coming with us right
L-umm no he's suing me for custody of you both
L-oh enough about sylvie and that little baby of there's
Ed-I'm going to dads
Dd-me to
L-you walk out that door I wil go to Germany and leave you here with your  useless father
*they walk out*
Antonio's POV:
Ed-hey papi we're staying in Chicago
Ad-you are
Ad-shhhhh the child the sleeping baby we just spent half an hour trying to get to sleep
*jules stats crying*
Sb-sorry baby
Ad-here we go again
Dd-see this is a family
Ed-I glad we decided to stay

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