Everyone smiled and asked her to say the name.

"Maira Shivaay Trivedi Oberoi, her name is Maria, which means light. She is the daughter of Annika and Shivaay the sun and moon of the family. They brought light into their family and Maira again brought the light into the family. The Singh was dropped and Trivedi was added to honor Annika's family"

Shivaay was asked to write her name into the family book, but Shivaay asked Annika to do the honors. Who asked him to hold her hand and together they wrote their daughters name into the book, for they were always one.

It had been an year since Maira was born. Annika had restarted her event planning business without the help of the Oberoi's, but with the money her father had left for his girls. They had found out that Harsh had left money for the girls, but since he was said to had caused the fire the insurance company didn't give the girls money nor did the bank. Since, the insurance company never gave the money, as the years when the money grew too became a nice amount. Annika had over five million and Gauri two million.

Annika took some of the money to start her business and used some to get Sahil the surgery he needed. Who was thriving in his studies and at the age of 10 was ready to graduate. She couldn't have been more proud of him. Sahil credited her for his achievements.

Her business was doing so well and within a few months it became the number one event planning business in the country. She had to extend her business and hire more people. Shivaay would get upset because she would work so much. He had to sit her down and tell her his feelings and that all he wanted was his wife and baby together. She smiled at this, but along with Shivaay they decided the first week of the month was Annika's to attend all the far away meetings and Shivaay would be with the baby. The week after was Shivaay's to have his meetings, when Annika would be with the baby. If they had to work on the others week it would be on video or phone call. The other two weeks one would be at the Oberoi Mansion with family and the one after at Shivika Mansion with only the three of them. The weekends they both were off. Yes, they could have both worked the same week, but they wanted to be there for their daughter. They didn't want her to grow up with parents who were too busy.

As for Om his paintings were being noticed by more critics and Tej been made it his goal to attend at least one event a month. Om was happy to see his father show interest in his work and keep true to his words. Gauri had started to take classes in fashion design and a design of hers was picked by to be featured on New York Fashion week.

Then, you had Rudra, who started to take business more seriously and when Shivaay couldn't he would attend the meetings. However, that didn't stop him from having his carefree nature. Bhavya had become the Director of the Intelligence Bureau and ask promised by Tej sultan was caught.

Then you had Maira who was the light of everyone. She was the face Tej and Pinky saw first thing before anyone else. Even when Shivika took her to Shivika Mansion they would have to FaceTime them so they can see her. Tej actually became the parent or in his case the grandparent who runs around their babies making sure she is safe. If someone spilled a drop of water around Maira he would yell so much, that everyone had to be extra careful. Shakti always took Maira for walk telling her stories. He had recently purchased land in her name and gifted it to her. He said when she's old enough she can do whatever she wanted with it. He also, confronted Harsh's parents and siblings on what they did to the girls. He told them he knew him and the Oberoi's had caused this, but as their family they should have known better. He made the family give the house they claimed as theirs to Annika and Gauri as Harsh's grandfather left it for him, but his brother took it after everything that happened. Harsh's parents were happy with this. Yes, they chose to live with their son and abandoned their grandchildren, but they knew this was all because of them turning away from the girls when they needed them. The girls refused to kick them out, so Shakti told the uncle and his family they would have to pay to live in the house. That too both girls didn't agree to as even if her uncle was greedy it wasn't totally fair to their grandparents and cousins, but as a compromise it was said the house would be transferred over to Maira's name when she was older as the cousins had already started their careers and had apartments of their own. Jhanvi give up drinking and was the all around mother. She supported the kids in everything they did and join the business again to help Shivaay, who wanted to be with his family. Pinky on the encouragement of the family, took a few classes in interior design. She join a local business and helped come up with a few ideas for a few businesses and houses. Dadi was happy to see her family work together and as promised she made sure not one person was bearing the burden of the family themselves.

Looking over the stairs Shivika saw the house decorated for their princesses birthday and the family all waiting with smiling for them to come. Smiling they hugged each other with their baby in the middle this was their family and together they can do anything!

This is it, for this story!

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