Its Suffocating

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Shivaay and OmRu had tears streaming down there faces as they saw her lifeless body laying in Shivaay's arms. Here her breathing had stopped yet they were feeling the pain. They felt as if someone was squeezing their hearts. The only way to make the pain stop was for her to wake up. As they cried Shivaay's tear dropped falling on her dress over her heart (for their hearts are one). Om's tear dropped on her head (for only she always understood him). Rudra's tear dropped on her hand (for her arms had always given him the warmth of being loved). As their tears dropped simultaneously Annika's breathing got the power it required to start.

Her cough was what came first. That cough was the sign of life. As they heard it the person squeezing their hearts had stopped and placed it back into their bodies giving them their life back. Shivaay kissed her all over her face only to stop when Annika said she was alright. After reassuring the brothers that she was there with them they had relaxed.

S: You do not know what was happening with me those few seconds when you were laying in my arms lifeless. It was as if someone took my heart and squeezed it.
A: I and fine Shivaay look at me nothing can happen to me (she said in a voice that could bearly be heard)
S: What fine I can hear it in your voice you're having a hard time even talking. I am taking you to the hospital.
A: What are you saying Shivaay. There is no need I am alright she said trying to increase her voice to make her husband believe her but it was followed by a bunch of coughing. This only increased Shivaay's need to get her the help that she needed.
S: You're going to the hospital and that's final. Look at you, you cannot even talk without coughing. This is all my fault. I should have never had you do this act.
A: Shivaay please do not blame yourself.... (coughing).... I am fine.... (coughing) this act I agreed to do to prevent the family.... (coughing) Veer is working with someone and we need to.... (coughing) find out who and what they.... (coughing) want from the family... (coughing)
S: Annika it is my fault and please stop talking it's only increasing your coughing and I can tell you're have a difficult time breathing.
O: I agree Bhabhi, you need to go to the hospital.
A: Om you... coughing
R: Look Bhabhi you cannot even talk without coughing bhiya and Om are right you need to go to the hospital. I cannot loss the only person who has provided me with the motherly love I have always wanted, he said with tears running down his face

It was the first time ShivOm had seen Rudra cry like this. He was always a crybaby, but this cry was something else it was the cry of fear of losing the only person he may have completely felt the safest with. Yes, they were always there for him and protected him, but they were also the ones who let him get into trouble before solving his problems. Annika was different with him. She had protected him even before someone would hurt him.

A: Ok, fine Rudra if it will.... (coughing) make you happy.... (coughing) I will go but .... (coughing) Shivaay you go back with Veer .... (coughing).... he will come looking for you.... (we have wasted enough time here.... (coughing) if you do not go back .... (coughing) our plan will spoil.... (coughing) I will go with OmRu and tell you.... (coughing) what the doctor.... (coughing) says
S: What did you say? Wasting time? How could you? You are not a waste on time, do you get that? You are my life. I do not care if Veer catches us. I cannot risk your life for the sake of this truth, nothing is more important then your life.
Annika could see it in his eyes that he meant it. That he did not care for the truth, the one that would set his family free. He will give up the proofs against his family to make sure she was alright. Somehow, she had become his number one.
O: Look Shivaay I understand what you're going through, but please do not make this for nothing, let Rudra and I take Bhabhi to the hospital.
S: You do not understand this is not your wife, he knew he was wrong to say it and get his anger out on him but it came out
Om knew were he was coming from so he did not feel bad about what Shivaay said.
O: I know she is not my wife, but she is my best friend. Even before she was your wife she was my friend. She was the only person who has always really understood me. She is not only my Bhabhi or best friend, she is my biggest support system. I can assure you I did not mean it as something to prove the family right. When I said please do not make this for nothing, I meant it as Bhabhi was buried alive and for that Veer must pay. We need to find the truth and get him locked up.
Shivaay realized Om was right, now more then ever he needed the truth, but not for his family, but to make sure Veer paid for burying is life alive.
S: Ok, but you call me as soon as you get there and tell me everything the doctor says, he said kissing Annika's head numerous times before letting OmRu take her.

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