Chapter 7: Double Batch

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"Millie, c'mon," Danny pleaded. "I promise I won't do any work in English tomorrow. Or Ancient Languages. And Math, I will never pay attention in that class until the day I die. Cross my heart." He looked at me from under enviously thick lashes. He had his begging puppy dog eyes turned up full force. I looked back to the front of the class at those stupid letters that spelled out our stupid assignment I hadn't bothered to read before. I was determined not to budge. Being one half of a pair of slackers was acceptable, but being the lone slacker friend amongst our group would earn me the title of the loser friend. I did not want to be the loser friend.

A lean forearm slid into my peripheral. "I'll let you slap my arm," Danny coaxed. "I know you wanted to in Magic class." His offer was tempting...

My hand shot out without warning and smacked his arm with a resounding slap. I smiled mischievously at his silent cry of pain. Ms. Wosner gave us a stern look which I ignored, basking in the sight of the red welt that had appeared on Danny's arm.

Satisfied, I threw Danny a bone, "If you're nice to me on our walk home then I will consider making cookies."

"That means you're making me cookies," he said with a grin, shaking his arm out.

"I was going to make them anyway," I refuted, but the bell drowned out my voice. Danny and I immediately hiked up our bags and made for the door, always eager to waste no time in leaving.

"Do you think Eli survived magic class today?" I overheard Brad whisper to Forest on our way out.

"I think we would have heard by now."

"Maybe," said Brad, sounding disappointed. "Think she'll try something after school? Break his leg this time or something."

"No sure. Why do you care so much?" Forest asked.

"Well, he's a dick.

"And getting choked wasn't enough?"

"He shoved me because I was in his way in the hall this morning. Like he can't walk around. I wish he'd lose a hand."

Danny and I both grinned, walking behind unnoticed.

"Maybe Aura is taking requests." Forest suggested.

"Sure, and have my body found by Hreya river next morning? No way am I going anywhere near her, she's psychotic. I'll just keep my fingers crossed she gets rid of Eli before I break a shoulder," Brad grumbled.

"Did you see Eli's face this morning though? He was sweating."

"Yeah," Brad chuckled, "bet he wet his bed last night."


In the blink of an eye Brad went flying to the right, taking Forest with him, and smashed into the wall of lockers. Brad and Forest crumpled to the floor, their flimsy frames not even leaving a dent in the metal. Eli stormed past without a look back.

Danny stood glaring after him, not noticing as I helped Brad and Forest up.

I nudged Danny, "Are you going to go after him?"

Danny snorted, "Why? We're not in love."

"But he's your friend. Don't you care that... he's... upset..." I trailed off meekly as Danny gave me a derisive look. We continued down the hall in silence.

Outside Cira stood waiting against the school wall. He pushed off to match our quick stride.

"Hey, did you guys see Eli?"

"Yeah," I said when Danny didn't answer, he was staring ahead in silence. Cira gave him a curious look then turned to me.

"Do you know what's wrong with him? He looked pretty mad."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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