"I already told the cops to search for him, cause he hurt me again and William too."

"He hurt you and William? Oh, he's so busted now!" Said Odd and ran the stairs up.

"Odd no!" Exclaimed Samantha and ran behind him.

"Hey you ugly bastard," Said Odd and the guy turned around.

"Who are you?" Asked the guy.

"Odd don't hurt him," Said Samantha.

"Oh hello Samantha," Said the guy.

"Oh hello Norbert," Said Samantha.

"Hahaha Norbert," Said Odd and started to laugh. "Norbert," Said Odd and kept laughing.

"What's your mom's name Norberta?" Asked Odd and laughed harder.

"You found that funny. Let's see if you find this funny." Said Norbert and walked to Odd. Odd was laughing and later cleaned a tear of his eye.

"Oh, What are you going to do?" Asked Odd and was prepared to fight.

"This" Said Norbert and kicked Odd in his stomach and Odd flew to bottom.

"Ouch!" Exclaimed Odd.

"And now to you Samantha." Said Norbert and made a creepy face. A car honks and it drifts to Norbert and almost touches him.

"Hey what are you trying to do with your Bentley, a Continental Drift?" Asked Norbert.

"Hey!" Exclaimed William and walked out of the car.

"Oh your boyfriend is here, how nice," Said Norbert.

"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend and he is also married" Said Samantha and from the other door, Yumi left the car.

"Oh," Said Norbert. Willamina started to cry in the car and Norbert looked into the car.

"Oh, William did your wife asked you to do something stupid like that" Said Norbert and William got angry.

"It is stupid, what can you get for that? You will spend for it a lot of money on toys, food and other things and with that money, you could buy a better car than this." Said Norbert.

"She's not replaceable. She's the most priceless thing I own." Said William.

"Aww that was so sweet," Said Samantha.

"Now that's real father thing." Said Odd. William looked to Odd smiling.

"William watch out!" Exclaimed Yumi and William was hit by a fist of Norbert and William land on the bottom.

"William!" Exclaimed Yumi and ran to William. "William are you okay?" Said Yumi. Norbert wanted to step on Yumi's back, but William pushed Yumi away from him and hold Norbert's foot.

"Let my foot go!" Exclaimed Norbert.

"Oh Okay," Said William and pushed him against his car.

"Ouch!" Exclaimed Norbert. William stood up and helped Yumi stand up.

"Yumi are you okay?" Asked William.

"Yes and thanks for saving my ass," Said Yumi with a smirk. Odd and Samantha walked to them.

"Are you guys..." Said Samantha and they heard a car rev up. They looked back and it was Norbert. He was stealing Williams's car, with Willamina in it.

"Willamina!" Exclaimed William and Yumi. William and the others started to run behind the car. The car stopped and William crashed against the car and fell down.

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