At the Ishiyama's

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William came home and went into his room. William looked to Willamina sleeping peacefully. William smiled and walked to his bed and lied down. Yumi moved her hand in the darkness and touched William's face.  

"William is that you?" Asked Yumi. William holds her hand.

"Yes, baby. It's me." Said William and kissed her hand. Yumi gave him a peck on his forehead.

"Goodnight," Said Yumi.

"Goodnight," Said William.

Meanwhile in Odd's apartment.

"Sorry, that you have to sleep on the sofa," Said Odd and gave Samantha a bed cover.

"It's okay" Said Samantha and covered herself with the cover.

"So goodnight," Said Odd and walked away to his room. Odd jumped into his bed and lied to Yuki's direction.

"How long do you know her?" Asked Yuki.

"Who Samantha?" Asked Odd.


"Uhm since the accident." Lied Odd.

"Oh really?" Asked Yuki and looked into Odds eyes and Odd sweat a bit.

"Okay, okay, she was my girlfriend at school," Said Odd.

"She's your ex?!"

"Yes, my ex, or maybe not my ex, cause we lost contact since she moved to somewhere else"

"Somewhere else?"

"fine to the coast, to the coast!"

"Why did you never told me about her?"

"I didn't tell you cause I thought it wasn't so important and If I would tell you that you would be jealous"

"I'm would be not jealous"

"But you're now jealous"

"I'm not jealous!" Exclaimed Yuki aggressive and some tears were coming from her eyes. Odd looked at her and was disappointed in himself. Yuki covered her face with her hands.

"Yuki, I'm sorry," Said Odd and wanted to hug her. She pulled the bed cover over her and lied down.

"Baby, I'm very sorry to be so mean" Said Odd, but Yuki didn't say something. "What have I done" Said Odd and sat up.

At next morning William was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and reading the journal. Yumi came into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart," Said Yumi and kissed William.

"Good morning darling," Said William.

"What are you reading?" Asked Yumi and sat next to him.

"I'm looking to the groups for the world cup in brazil"

"Oh is Japan in?" Asked Yumi curious.

"Yes, Japan has to play against Greece, Columbia and the Ivory Coast"

"And what about France?"

"France plays against Honduras, Ecuador and Switzerland"

"What about England or Scotland?"

"Scotland is out, but England plays against Italy, Costa Rica and Uruguay"


"Hey is it today, that we go eat at your parent's home?" Asked William.


"We eat there with chopsticks right?"Asked William.

"Don't worry, I teach you how to use them." Said Yumi.

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