The Invite

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Some days later Yumi decided to invite the family and the friends to dinner and phoned to almost everyone. 

Meanwhile in a pizzeria.

"Della Robbia, Williams donna è al telefono.

"Della Robbia, Williams wife is on the phone," Said the chef of the pizzeria. He's the owner of the pizzeria and is Swiss.

"Grazie, Mario," Said Odd and took the phone. Odd works in the kitchen and makes pizzas.

"Hello Yumi, congratulations," Said Odd.

"Thanks, Odd."

"Don't mention it"

"Odd, can you tonight come with Yuki have dinner with us and the others?"

"Yes, today I finish the work earlier"

"Oh good, you can come so around 7'O'Clock if you want, the dinner will be ready at 8."

"Okay, I phone Yuki and tell her about the dinner"

"Okay and If you see Ulrich, tell him that too.


"See you later"

"Bye" Odd turned the phone off.

"Hey Luana dire a Ulrich che deve chiamare Yumi" Said Odd

"Hey Luana tell Ulrich he should phone Yumi."

"Ta bene"

"Okay," Said Luana and walked to Ulrich. Luana is the daughter of the chef and works as a waitress. Ulrich is also a waiter in that pizzeria.

"What do you want to order?" Asked Ulrich.

"I like to have a pizza quatro formaggi" Said a client.

"And you Sir?" Asked Ulrich.

"Pizza vegetariana," Said the other client.

"And what do you wish to drink?"

"I would like to have mineral water," Said the first client.

"And you?"

"Same as her," Said the second client. Ulrich writes everything on a block and walked to the kitchen and met Luana.

"Hey Yumi hat angerufen, Sie will mit dir reden"

"Hey Yumi phoned, she wants to talk with you," Said Luana.

"Über was?"

"About what?" Asked Ulrich.

"Ich weiss es nicht, frag Odd oder ruf Sie an"

"I don't know, ask Odd or phone her," Said Luana.

"Okay," Said Ulrich and went to Odd. "Hey Odd, what wants Yumi?" Asked Ulrich.

"She invited me to dinner and I think she also wanted to invite you," Said Odd and spins the pizza dough.

"Okay, I phone her back," Said Ulrich and put the paper of the block he wrote on a bulletin board. "One pizza vegetariana and one pizza formaggi, and two mineral waters!" Exclaimed the kitchenware. Ulrich walked to the phone and typed Yumi's number and laid the listener on his ear.

"Hello?" Said Yumi.

"Hi Yumi it's me Ulrich, did you wanted to talk with me?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask you if you want to come to dinner tonight"

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