Late Night

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It was two in the morning and Odd and Samantha came out of the police station.

"So our cars will be ready in one week" Said Odd. 

"Well, that's good," Said Samantha.

"Hey, where do you go now?" Asked Odd.

"Maybe to a hotel, until the next week I cant drive home"

"Well, I could ask my fiancee, if you could stay with us for a while or someone else"


"So let's go" Said Odd and walked with Samantha away.

Later in William and Yumi's house, Yuki stood up and went to William and Yumi's room. Yuki saw them cuddling.

"Aww," Thought Yuki and sneaks to William.

"William?" Whispered Yuki. A light behind William turned on.

"Yuki?" Asked Yumi looking over William. Yuki looked at Yumi. "What are you doing?"

"Odd wrote me, he wanted to take me home and the other car driver he crashed." Said Yuki.

"When does he arrive here?" Asked Yumi.

"So in 20 minutes"

"Okay," Said Yumi. "William" Whispered Yumi. "William" Whispered Yumi again and William turned around to her.

"Can't you sleep?" Asked William.

"Yes, I cant. It's just you have to bring later Yuki and Odd home" Said Yumi.

"Is Odd here?"

"He's on the way here with the other car driver"

"Okay," Said William and stood up.

Back to Odd and Samantha.

"And she said yes" Said Odd.

"She must be happy to have a guy like you," Said Samantha.

"Yes, and hey did you ever date someone else instead of me?" Asked Odd.

"Well yes, but we broke up"


"He was actually nice, but he started to be a douche, violent and later I broke up with him"

"Did he ever slapped you?"

"Yeah," Said Samantha. Odd shocked.

"This guy is stupid," Said Odd.

"Yes, I know," Said Samantha.

"If he tries to hurt you or someone else, I would beat him up so hard, that he will never come back to France, or to Europe or to the world!" Said Odd.

"That's so sweet of you," Said Samantha and Odd blushed. Samantha smiled and kept walking. Odd stand watching at here walking.

"Hey, do you come? I don't know where they live" Said Samantha.

"Oh, sorry," Said Odd and ran to her. "It's the third house there," Said Odd.

"It's cool, that they can see the Eiffel tower from their room," Said Odd.

"Must be very romantic," Said Samantha.


"And where do you live?" Asked Samantha.

"In the near of the louvre, " Said Odd and walked into the parking place of William and Yumi's house.

"Is this your fiancee?" Asked Samantha and looked to Yuki staying with William next to William's car.

"Yes," Said Odd. William walked to his car and open it.

"So", Said William and opened the backdoor. Yuki entered as first and later entered Odd. William closed the door and opened the door in the front and Samantha entered.

"Thanks," Said Samantha. William entered into the car and started the motor.

"So, you're Odd's fiancee?" Asked Samantha.

"Did you say something?" Asked Yuki.

"Uhm, Yumi is waving" Lied Samantha.

"She isn't waving, oh wait she is" Said William and opened the window. Yumi walked to the car.

"Hey Yuki, you forgot your phone," Said Yumi and gave it into the car. Yuki took it.

"Thanks, Yumi," Said Yuki.

"And drive carefully," Said Yumi.

"He is careful," Said Yuki.

"Yeah, but when he's longer than 13 hours awake, he might fell asleep"

"Don't worry, we wake him up if this happens" Said Odd.

"Okay," Said Yumi and she gave William a peck on his cheek. "Have a good night," Said Yumi.

"Thanks," Said the others in the car. William drove the car backward and drove away.

"So, how's Willamina doing?" Asked Odd.

"She is or was sleeping" Said Odd.

"Did she ever cry at nights, when you were asleep?"


"Can you two handle this together?"

"Of course we can"

"And you alone?" Asked Odd. William ignored the question.

"Odd asked you a question," Said Samantha.

"The baby just came to the world a few days ago, what do you expect? That I'm a better father?" Asked William.

"Odd, don't annoy him," Said Yuki.


"I just wish that I'm the father that Yumi always wanted" Said William.


"I'd rather not talk about it"

"Hey don't say that you make me think of Jim Morales." Said Odd. William stopped the car in front of their Odd's apartment.

"So we're here," Said William and all left the car. Odd walked to William.

"I'm sorry," Said Odd.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize" Said William.

"Let me tell you something. At the begin, it may be difficult to know, how to be a good father, but the day will come, when your father instinct shows up and makes you be a good father. Maybe even the best father ever" Said Odd.

"Thanks for the comfort," Said William.

"So, I have to go, bye" Said Odd and walked to his apartment. William watched him going in and drove away.

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