The Miniscule Mr. Big

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes with that voice of yours, I really can't understand what you're saying."

Donald whipped out his mage's staff, his right hand aiming the tip at Nick's black nose.

"Don't make me burn you!"

"Freezing me would be more appropriate. After all we are in Tundratown where the only source of snow falls in Zootopia."

Sora, hearing their short quarrel six feet away, turned his head counterclockwise over his left shoulder, calling back.

"Can we just look for the limo?"

Donald relaxed his staff, mentally dissipating it with his magic. He laughed shyly as he and Nick faced Sora.

At last they found a white Lincoln Town Car at the very end of the lot. Judy in the beginning of her search for the exact license plate, wiped away the frost on one of them with her left hand. The numbers were in pine green with a large orange rock in the center against a white background and yellow and green lining on the edges. To her surprise, matching the wide eyes of discovery, was the registered number "29THD03" in green with the name "Zootopia" printed under it. She read the numbers quickly, realizing.

"This is it!"

Hearing this, Sora's right hand opened the door to the driver's seat and a blast of blue frozen air flew in all directions. It concealed their sight, but cleared when Nick blew some of it away. However, there was still a layer of smoke on the floor, with Judy using the flashlight app on her iPhone to examine the gas and brake pedals. Nick opened the glove compartment and was met with fear in his eyes

"Oh my God!"


In his right hand, Nick pulled out two soundtrack covers. The one in front looked like a classic, with a mouse in a black suit and fedora with a slice of a green lime in his left ear and was holding a champagne glass in the hand on that side.

"The Velvety Pipes of Jerry Vole! But on CD, who uses them anymore?"

He tossed them back into the glove compartment, the CDs clattered on the leather of the compartment's interior as he switched back to his laid back attitude.

"Can we focus now?" Sora asked in annoyance.

Judy's stern expression seemed to have agreed with him. But it wasn't long before Nick, rotating his head to the right by five degrees, then fifteen, saw the window to the passenger quarters between the two seats. He slid it open and looked into the dark area of luxury turned into a wreck.

"Carrots, if your otter was here... I think he had a very bad day."

"What kind of a bad day?" asked Sora, looking in-between them.

"Like a bad day where he got so pissed that he tore the whole place down."

Nick's words were hyperbole compared to the minimal damage seen from the light of Judy's iPhone. There were claw marks on the seats and sides, small ones fit for an otter, with some short marks on the bottom and longer lines on the top. The floor was foggy and aside from a glass or two, there were no other personal effects left behind...except for a badge.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" Judy began to shiver, from the cold, the fear, the supposed attack and the very nature of mystery behind this scene.

"I can't say I haven't," Nick asked.

When her light shined on the badge, she jumped down and picked it up with her left hand. The so-called badge was actually a wallet that had apparently fallen out of Mr. Otterton's pockets during the scuffle of his kidnappers. On the right was Emmitt's driver's license with a cropped version of the family photograph on the bottom left, a red MousterCharge credit card in the middle slot and a blue First National Bank debit card on the top. Judy breathed heavily, her condensed breath camouflaged by the mist.

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