Part 11 - Relocating

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I add music to the beginning of each part, if there is any song you want in particular feel free to ask.

It was the next day and all students were back at school. Class 1A was wondering what would happen after Aizawa had gotten injured and they were even more confused when Nezu walked into their classroom and told them to go to the cafeteria.

At around 7:45 A.M. Nezu went to the guest dorms. When he got there the only person awake was Techno, Nezu was unsure if he had woken up early or never slept in the first place. Techno went to get Phil who woke up everyone else. Nezu told them that they all had to be ready in their school uniforms and at the cafeteria by 8:25.

At 8:30, all of class 1A and the guests were sitting at nearby tables in the cafeteria. They were all just talking when a mummified Aizawa walks in. Everyone was expecting a sub, so they were pretty surprised. While writing this I chose to make a small change to Dream's quirk(Blob Dream), so check that out if you haven't seen the update. Also look at the ten new quirks if you haven't. Aizawa brushed off any concerns that his students had and told them why they were in the cafeteria. They were in the cafeteria so they had room for all 45 of them to have class together. Nezu was going to get someone to expand 1A's classroom, but for now they would have class here. Then Aizawa went on to talk about the sports festival. This confused the minecrafters as they had no clue why all the students were so excited. Aizawa silenced all the students who chose to talk before continuing on to explain what the festival was for the 25 who didn't know. Nezu had given them permission to participate. He then warned everyone to train so they'd be prepared. If they did well they could get scouted by hero agencies. It was unconfirmed whether or not the guests were allowed to go to a hero agency.

By the end of the day several students of class 1A were encountered by other students who were trying to scope out the competition. Some of them were wondering why they hadn't been in their classroom and others didn't care. None of the students knew about 1A temporarily staying in the cafeteria. After school pretty much every student was preparing whether it be practicing their quirk or creating a new invention. U.A. was allowing the students to use the gyms and pool for training. Those like Tsu and Quackity chose to go to the pool. Those like Stacy and Koda were sitting in the grass befriending animals. Those that could fly somehow managed to convince George to create an obstacle course made of ice for them. People like Fundy and Tokoyami had chosen to go somewhere dark. Wilbur had talked to Cementoss who made him some walls to phase through and explode. Inside U.A. the support course was busy working on new inventions to help them win. There were also some students stood in front of a mirror getting prepared for speeches or making sure they looked absolutely flawless for the upcoming event.

Later that night the group of 25 were all back in the dorms. Some were sleeping while the rest were hanging out together downstairs. There were nine people in the living room talking about the sports festival. Some were really excited about getting to join while others thought it would somehow be a repeat of USJ. The kitchen had six people sitting around the island eating ice cream. Two of them decided to do their own rendition of Wilbur's Your New Boyfriend. The others just watched enjoying their ice cream enough that they didn't care about the duo's inability to sing together. There were ten people upstairs. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity were having a sleepover in Sapnap's room as it was the only one that was decorated. Techno was in his room reading the all too familiar book of The Art of War. The other six people were sleeping soundly in their rooms.

There were two weeks before the sports festival. Throughout those fourteen days people had been training non-stop. Though there were a few people that didn't feel like training anymore and chose to relax instead. Those who had been working extremely hard on their quirks, thought this was completely foolish. Iida had even tried lecturing some of the people who stopped caring. Not a single one of them actually listened to him though.

The night before the festival everyone was instructed to go to bed early, so they had energy for tomorrow. This was yet another message several students chose to ignore. The teachers didn't force people to go to bed if they chose not to. The students knew the consequences of choosing not to, therefore  it was no longer the teachers problem. All 25 guests had found their way to bed at a reasonable time.

I have no schedule for writing this, so sorry if there are any particularly long gaps between parts.

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