A) I'll have no regrets

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"I'm going after Nicholai," I address Zev. Knowing that he isn't getting up if I leave him here. And that all my struggle to save him had been for nothing.

The hall we were located in began growing flesh around it, slowly filling the floor. All of it starting from the tentacle Nemesis flung. My eyes dart between Zev and the hall.

He looks at me consciously, nodding slyly. Still gripping his bleeding leg, Zev gestures me to move along. " Best of luck! And see you soon," Zev yells when I am farther away from him.

I sadly wave at him before sprinting through doors full speed. My feet patted against the floor, reminding me of how many times I've had to run to save my life. But this time, I was the one chasing, not chased.

Pushing my legs further, I reached a big central shaft. A yellow Umbrella themed elevator stood in the middle. Nicholai was rising up with it, and I barely got a glimpse of his feet.

I kicked the glass elevator out of frustration. The round platform had no other means of transportation on it. There were two pathways, but both were cut off. " Of course, there isn't another way up," I sighed.

I started picking my nails while waiting. My stomach kept turning with dark waves of dismay. It felt like a storm in there.

The elevator clattered, signalling it was coming back down. My eyes trailed the lift as it stopped before me, opening its automatic door. I hesitantly stepped into the circle lift. Lights flashed by as the elevator rose. It was quiet except for the background ambience. " Could use some elevator music," I hummed to myself.

Then the anxious inner dialogue started. And nothing was stopping it this time.

This is not a good idea. A white light flashed in my blurred vision.

I have no weapon. The elevator jiggled.

My left arm is numb. My breathing escalated.

I'm going to lose my life. I gnawed at my palm with my nails.

The lift got me up several stories before stopping abruptly. It was dark outside the automatic doors. Then they flew open, letting the outside air reach me. It was cold and moist, but it helped me clear my mind.

"Alright. Let's do this," I encouraged myself. This was my final boss battle.

There was a set of stairs situated on my right. They led to a helipad. Creeping up them got me a visual of the area. I spied for information before making my approach.

A military-grade helicopter stood in the middle of the rooftop. Nicholai was in sight, preparing the chopper for taking off. He was on the other side of it, unable to catch a glimpse of me. But I could see his ugly legs.

He was proudly humming as I sneaked to hide behind the helo. Only the sound of his trashy humming and the wind dancing its way through were heard.

My plan was to surprise him, knock him unconscious and take the vaccine. Jill, Carlos and I could use the chopper to escape the inevitable blast. That said, it was not an easy victory.

Suddenly Nicholai walked away from my point. His footsteps sounded panicky and curved the front of the helicopter. Had he seen me? Or was he waiting for someone?

I slumped under the tail of the grey whirlybird. Hiding behind the helo once again. I held my breath and glided my hand on the painted metal surface. I was facing the piece of machinery sideways.

The sound of something hitting the metal surface was heard behind me. It didn't take me much time figuring why. The zipper of my backpack kept flailing against the chopper. I hoped Nicholai didn't hear it.

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