The Armor of God Part One

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Topic: What is the Armor of God?

The Second World War (1939-1945) was fought between majority of the world's nations forming two opposing military alliances. The Allies of World War 2 called the United Nations from the 1st January 1942 declaration were countries together opposed the Axis powers. At the begin of the war, the Allies consisted of France, Poland and the United Kingdom and dependent states, such as the British India. Within days they were joined by the independent Dominion  of the British Commonwealth: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. United States officially joined after the Japanese attack Pearl Harbour. The Axis powers were countries together opposed the Allies powers. They were consist of Germany, Italy and Japan. Many suggested for the Second World War casualties vary, because many deaths were  unrecorded but it was believe over 60 million people died during the world war, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). Wikipedia

The cosmic battle between God and Satan is far greater than any recorded history of War in the natural realm. According to biblical truth, the spiritual warfare between God and Satan determines the destiny of one's soul. 'Thus the spiritual warfare (battle) rages over the eternal destiny of souls whether people know it or not, or believe it', says Norman Rasmusen, founder, Precious Evangelistic Ministries.

Satan is a spirit being created by God. How do we know Satan is a spirit being? Psalms 104:4 states, 'God makes his angels spirits'. Hebrews 1:7 declares 'And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire'. Henceforth, Satan is spiritual and therefore no 'tangible weapons, which man has created can be effective or employed against him and his evil spirits', quoted by got question. org.

Armor is derived from the Latin word 'armare' which means 'to arm'. It is a metallic sheathing or protective covering, especially metal plates, worn as a defense against various weaponry attack. 

A Body Armor is a protective piece of clothing. It is design to absorb and/or deflect slashing, bludgeoning and penetrating attacks by weapons of an enemy. It is also use to protect vital parts of the body and shield from various weaponry attacks. 

The Armor of God is a intangible spiritual body armor use by Christians. It is utilized as a defensive mechanism in spiritual warfare against the wiles of the devil and his devious tactics. In Ephesians 6, Apostle Paul, a disciple of Jesus Christ and a servant of God, witnessed the invisible warfare against the throne of Grace. His message shows a raging war. Behind the scene were principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places work none stop to distort God's creation and destroy the mind of men.

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