Chapter 14

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It's Sunday and we finally finished the bathrooms, we could finally relax. We changed our clothes and now I'm laying on the couch snuggled onto Max, his arms wrapped around me, he had a satisfied smile on his lips, he looked so adoreable. When I look at him, sometimes I still can't believe how lucky I am that I got him in my life.

He looks down at me "What?" "Nothing" I say and snuggle myself even closer on him, I press a kiss on his chest and without looking, I knew that Max's smile got brighter and that made so freaking happy. "Here, there's this song, I recently found, I really like it"

"It's really good, I also like the lyrics" Max says as he bends down and his lips meet mine. It takes only a second and I'm sitting on his lap, both my hands on his neck, his making their way down to my waist, gripping them with just the right strengh. Our tongues entangled, a moan escapes my mouth when Max graps my butt. I break our kiss and start kissing his neck, leaving hickeys where I knew no one could see them, I really wanted to leave those little bruises where everybody could see them, but I don't want him to be in trouble at work tomorrow, people talk you know, but still I had to make that little hickey behind his ear on the sensitive spot earning a louder moan from Max, I almost rip the fabric apart as I take of Max's shirt. He turns us so that he's now on top of me and my shirt is torn apart aswell, Max presses our lips together once again while his hands travel all over my body, he bites my lip, I love it when he does that. His mouth travels down my body, sending me to places that I could never imagine.


I wake up next to Max, you could clearly see our last night activities. We where so exhausted that we fell asleep on the couch. "Babes?" Max gruns and turns "Babes? Babes?" "What?"

"Come on big boy, we have to get up" We get ready for work and leave just in time. Work felt like years and eventhough it was fun, the thought of Max in my arms was much more attractive than planning some project. When I was about to leave I get a message from Max

'My assistant wants to go out for a drink, I think I have to clear things with him. Can you drive with my car home and pick me up in 2 hours?'

Well I guess the cuddles have to wait

'Sure, send me the location and I'll come pick you up' I answer, then I go get the car, I have the second key to it, so I drive home, Max send me the location, it wasn't that far away.


Two hours later I drive to pick Max up, I arrive at the bar and when I found out that his assistant had taken a private room I got kind of curious, why would he need a private room. I trust Max completly but that doesn't mean I trust his assistant.

With a bad feeling I walk to the room and open the door. As I open the door I see Max lieing there, his assistant bend over him "What the fuck you doing?!" I run over and jank the assistant from Max. "Max! Max!" Max was uncunscious "What did you put in his drink?" I say in anger, I grip the assistant at his collar and press him on the wall "What the fuck did you do to him!" I yell at him, "How dare you take advantage of him! Was it because he never wanted something from you? So you had to drug him instead of admitting that you would never get him?!" His assistant didn't say a word "So it's true, what kind of asshole are you, how could you do that?"

"He belongs to me! If there wasn't you he would have been with me!"

"No! You're wrong! He would never be with a person like you!!!!"

I push him away from me and turn my attention back to Max "Max! Max!"

Max opens his eyes and grins "Look it's Tullie! My baby, come here!"

I take Max in my arms and carry him bridal style. My action caught a lot of attention, but I didn't care, I walk up to one of the workers "Call the police on him" I bend my head in the direction "He drugged my boyfriend"

"Who is your boyfriend?" Max asks "Wait that's me!" he said with a silly smile. "We'll leave now I say and leave the bar without looking back. I place Max in the car and put his seatbelt on. I grap his chin with my hand "You're mine!" I say in my bossiest voice "I'm yours" Max says and I give him a wild kiss, no one will ever take him away from me.


A longer chapter this time, who would have thought that the assistant had this kind of plans, luckily Tul was there.

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