Chapter 5

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You guys are crazy!!!



I calm myself down, I haven't looked in Tuls eyes for awile now, so the colours disappear and I can think straight. I look up in Tuls face, he looks at me waiting for me to finally tell him.

"I have a secret that only very few people know... I'm colourblind"

"What? Why is that so special? There a many people who can't tell the colours apart."

"I don't think you understand. It's not that I can't tell colours apart. I'm a mono, I can see everything only in black, white, grey that's my world."


"Listen, I never tell that anyone, because they start treating me different afterwards and I don't want them to feel sorry for me, I hate that, so never do that, don't feel sorry for me, I can live my life perfectly without seeing colours"

"I..I never thought it would be this bad, but..but how is this related to me?"

"You may heard about the legend, but most likely you don't, why would you, whatever, ther's a legend saying it's possible for a mono to see colours, when they meet their soulmates. I know it sounds crazy like I can't believe that aswell, but I don't know how to explain this in any other way."


" know this sounds crazy, believe me I thought it was an halluzination, but it happend again and again"

"What..what is it Max, tell me now!"

" make me see colours, before you say something listen, okay? It started whenn we first met, when I look you directly in the eyes, your eyes they are..what do you call it brown, right? was the first time I saw something like this, different from everything I saw before and I..I thought that it was because of the light, but it was always like this, so I tried to ignore it, saying myself it was nothing. And that day, when our lips touched, suddenly I could see the colours of you, your face, you clothes I freaked out, I mean this couldn't be possible, you know? And today you did it again, I could see the whole room in colours I..I.."

While I spoke I had stood up and started walking around in the room.

"Maybe..I don't know, it's a lot, but what if the legend is true or at least it's possible to start seeing colours, I mean you can know right?"

"Yes, but doctors said it's impossible"

"But still it happend. What about now, can you see colours now?"

"No, it stops after a while, when I don't look at you directly."

"What..what about we test out, how long you can see colours and what has an impact on that."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm interested aswell and because the whole thing is related to me!"

"Ok fine, let's do it"

I agreed because, I just had to, there was no way that I could or would ignore that.

Tul leaned forward. "What are you doing?"

"Testing out"

"Here? Now? At work? No, let's meet up after work"

"Ok fine" I could see it was hard for Tul to hold back, he wanted to know so bad. A light smile came over my lips, that was cute. What am I thinking?

A knock brought us back to reality. "Yes" I said. It was one of the workers and she gave Tul suspicious looks and I was glad that no one could look inside my office, like in other buildings. Because if so they would have seen Tul kissing me, now they only knew that Tul stayed in my office for a longer time than normal.

"Sir, I need you to sign this, it's really important"

"Yes, I'll do in a minute"

I look at Tul and told him with my eyes that I'll contact him soon. He agrees silent and leaves.

How will tonight be? What will happen? I was scared and excited at the same time, it bothered me so much I could hardly focus on work for the rest of the day.


Yes, what will happen? I'm excited!!! See you soon!

MaxTul: Colourful lifeWhere stories live. Discover now