Chapter 7

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I wake up with Tul laying next to me. I just had to smile, he looked so freaking cute when he was sleeping. My hand was still holding his and with the other hand I carefully play with his hair, it was messy from sleeping and it left him looking even cuter. With my finger I draw the lines of his face, his skin felt really soft. Tul slowley opens his eyes and I saw his eyes in that beautiful colour. Tul smiles, still a little sleepy. "Good morning" I say "Morning" he was so cute, I know I said that a million times now but I can't resist, it's a fact. "How late is it?" I look at my phone "It's 7:30" "Shit we have to hurry, we're going to be late!"

"It's fine, did you forget I'm the CEO, we can come later, that doesn't matter. Also do you want to go like this" I look him up and down, his hair messy, his shirt was rumpled. "Well, I guess you got  a point there"

"Go shower" I say "You can wear my clothes" I get up and go to my closet, I choose some clothes I think he would look good in and some for myself, Tul had already gone to the bathroom and I make my way to the second bathroom. After I finish, I go mback to my room to look after Tul, he was just buttoning his shirt as I walk in. He turns around and I love myself for choosing these clothes for him, he looked stunning. "What are you looking at?" I walk over to him and without really thinking about what I'm doing I pin him at the wall. "Oh it's nothing" I say and lean closer to him, he didn't resist. "It's just that you looking so freaking hot, when you're wearing this" and I look down his body "I'm always hot,  you realised only now?" I smile "I already knew this, remember I was watching you, but now you're even hotter" I bite my lip and I could see it drove him crazy. I peck his cheek and take his hand, come on let's have breakfast."

We drive to a nearby cafe I absolutly love and get a takeaway breakfast since we were already late. He fed my while driving, which was great and also a little funny. We arrived at the company and I know the employees will be suspicious, so we made it look like we came from an official meeting we just had, we were in business mode. Luckily it worked and I was greateful we had not to see each other often today, because I don't know how I possibly could concentrade on my work when he was there.

When I was alone in my office, I first came to think about yesterday. It was the first time, Iwas able to look at so many colours and I could pay attention to only the colours, well and Tul. He changed my life completly but in an good way, eventhough I was a little scared what if I become addicted and what would I do if Tul leaves me, would I use violence to make him stay, I wouldn't do that right? "I swear that I'll never do anything to him" I can't break this now.

As the day wents by my thoughts often go back to Tul and if I'm being really honest with myself, I  think I'm catching feelings for him and those feelings I had they had nothing to do with him making me see colours.

We meet up again after work. "Come on, I wanna bring you somewhere. Let me drive."

"Okay fine." And I hand him over the keys. We drove about 30 min. when we stopped at a place some where outside of town. "Close your eyes"

"What? Why?"

"Come on just do it, you trust me?"

"Okay, I'll" He takes my hand and starts leading me, we walk for about 5 min. "Tul, where are you taking me?"

We stop "Shh" he said and lets go of my hand, it felt like all the warmth had gone in just a second.

"Tul? Tul, can I open my ey.." I couldn't finish my sentence because Tul kissed me and all the warmth came back, it felt strangely good. "Open your eyes" I open my eyes and I'm overwhelmed, Tul brought my to a place from where you could see the whole city, all the lights in all the colours, it was beautiful, I never thought a city at night could look so beautiful.

Tul hugs me from behind "You like it?"

"I love it!"


I promise Tul is going to teach Max the colours soon.

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