Chapter 6

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I know my english is not perfect, that's because it's not my motherlanguage and I'm pretty young, I'm under eighteen and still learning so it's not perfect.



We meet up at Maxs car and I'm so excited I can barely stand still.

"So let's go to your place" I say "Okay, we can but.."



The drive felt like hours, eventhough it was probably about 20 minutes. When we finally arrived I was amazed, he had an apartment in a pretty expensive house, I could never afford that and it brought to me again that he was the CEO of a big company. We take the elevator up and enter his apartment, I was really really excited. After we entered I stand there in shook, his whole apartment was black & white.

"Is every room of your only in black and white?"

"Yes, I like it more like that, because I know that the colours I see are the same others see"

"So when we try out it wouldn't change anything ?"

"Right, I haven't thought about it, but it's fine."

"How is it fine? We can't try out!"

"Follow me"

He led me down hallway to a door. "There's one exception" And he opens the door. Behind the door is a beautiful bedroom, with flowers and colours all over. "Is it.."

"It's my sisters room, whenever she stays here, she hates all the grey, black and white, so she wanted her own room where so could have all the colours."

"Oh, the room is beautiful."

"Is it?"

"Yes and you'll see that soon to"

I enter the room, slowly. He follows me, I take his hand and we sit down on the bed. I couldn't hold it anymore and pull him into a kiss, I kiss him passionatly, I try to think about the mission we have, but when he gave into my kiss, my mind went blank, it just felt too good. We kissed for too long, when I finally came back to my senses and slowly break our kiss, looking at max carefully. I can see the change again in his eyes, I didn't realise till now but his eyes looked so beautiful.

"So" I said after giving him a little break "Should I teach you the colours?"

He slowly stands up and starts walking around, he touches the flowers painted on the wall, the apreciation he had for the colours made me realise how lucky we are to see such a colourful world. He suddenly turns around and looks at me, with his eyes he scans every part of my body, I wasn't shy, because the look he gave me drove me insane, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, eventhough I knew the look he gave me was because of the colours. I wanted to see more of this fascinated look. He looked around in the room again and then back at me. He continued this for awhile, when suddenly his expression changed, I could tell at this second that his world has become mono again and I could feel his pain, like all his love disapeared in that moment.

"Do it again" he looks at me "DO IT AGAIN!" the pain in his eyes was killing me. I stand up and pull him into a tight hug, he was trying to free himself, trying to convince me to do it again, but I just hold him tightly, trying to calm him down and after some time he eventually gave in.

"Enough for today" I say, we can do it again tommorrow. The hug made him realise how tired he was and I bring him to his room, as I want to leave, he graps my arm. "Can you at least stay here for the night?" I smile and lay down on the other side of the bed. He graps my hand and holds it tight like it's the biggest treasure he had, I fall asleep looking at him, with a smile.


I hope you guys like, how the story is going so far.

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