Chapter Nineteen.

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Chapter Nineteen--

The sound of glass breaking woke me up from the sleep I had finally been able to cry myself into.

I glanced at the alarm clock on my bedside table for it to read; 3:45 am.
What. The. Hell.

I groan out loud turning onto my stomach and snuggling deeper into my pillow, ignoring the noise downstairs.

It was probably a racoon.

Just as I was on the brink of sleep the noise got louder, now I finally woke up.

I stood up, grabbing my dressing gown on the floor before slowly tiptoeing to my closet to get my baseball bat.

I walked out in the hallway, blinded by the light I had left on last night.

I rubbed my eyes that felt swollen with crust in the corners.
Just great, the effects of crying.

As I made my way slowly downstairs careful to not make to much noise that the intruder would be notified, I was so not prepared for what I saw.

It was Kai.

But not just a normal Kai.

It was a sobbing mess of a Kai.

One look around the room and you could tell he staggered in from the back door.

There was glass littering the floor and chairs pushed over.

"K-kai?" I hesitantly called, not sure what to do at this moment.

Usually it was the guy comforting the girl, not the other way around.

He looked up and his face caused a gasp of shock to leave my lips.

His eyes were red and swollen 2× worse than mine.

His cheeks were flushed and wet from tears and his nose was runny.

Not a very appealing sight.

My stomach churned at his appearance, I never in the entire time that I had known Kai thought that I would ever see him hunched over in My kitchen, sobbing his heart out.

It broke mine.

"Kaitlyn." He finally spoke up, his voice sounded breathless. As if he had just finished running a marathon or something.

"Kai, what happened?"

I took another look around the room, wincing when I saw blood on the floor.

My eyes shot back to Kai's form, just now noticing his bloody arms and hands.

I didn't let him answer, rushing over to him while still being careful of the glass on the floor.

I grabbed his less bloody hand leading him into the lounge room and sitting him on the couch before going back for the first aid kit.

Once I found it I hesitated before going back out, was I ready for his explanation? What if he killed someone, could I forgive him for something like that?

After a while my heart won over my mind and I made my way into the lounge area.

Kai was gone.

My stomach dropped in confusion, where the hell was he?

The blood on the couch told me that I hadn't just imagined the whole lot of it so I went searching for him.

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now