Chapter fifteen.

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Chapter fifteen--

"W-what is it you want to talk about?"

Kaitlyn looked up at the shaken women dismayed, she looked really frightened.

Like Kaitlyn was a psycho who had a knife in her boot and she was planning on stabbing her with it.

"Calm down I just need to ask a few things."

I raised my hands above my head, showing I meant no harm.

She flinched as if I was going to reach out and slap her and I would if she didn't look so fragile.

"I'm just going to cut right to the chase. There's some parts to your 'I want you to kill Kai pledge' that have me confused."

There was some things that were bothering Kaitlyn about it, ever since that night they asked her to do it, she felt as if not everyone was being truthful with her.

She would have pressured someone else but she knew the weakest link was In fact Jo.

"What are you talking about?"

"Please don't try and deny it, I beg of you. I am having the worst night and I would hate to get angry and set this building on fire."

My tone sounded tired and defeated as pinched the bridge of my nose, already feeling a migraine coming on.

She stayed silent and as I peeked an eye open to glance at her I saw her staring at me in fear.

The impact of this whole day seemed to hit me at once, I had been on a long and tiring rollercoaster of emotions and I was so tired that it made me angry.

"For fucks sake!" I snapped, sitting up straight and directing all that anger at her, imagining throwing her out of the window.

"I'm not going to hurt you, and can you stop with all the frightened stares? Seriously it is so pathetic. Grow a backbone, Alaric isn't always going to be there to protect you! And You're a witch for crying out loud. Start acting like it, You're not meant to be such a wuss."

My outburst seemed to make her even more scared, which I thought was impossible.

I breathed in deeply through my nose, attempting to get my anger under control.

"Look you say you want me to kill Kai." I looked over at her and she nodded quickly showing she was following.

"But Kai keeps going on about celestial events and something to do with, wait. Shit, I forgot what was it?"

I snapped my fingers together, I can't believe I blanked on the whole reason I was here in the first place.


"Yes! That's it, what is it?"

I was curious as to why she seemed to go all emotionless all of a sudden.

"You're right, we don't need you to kill Kai." I opened my mouth to scream at her for putting me in that position for no reason at all but she put her hand up to silence me.

"Infact we want him alive, We just needed you to distract him."

I stared at her in confusion. Distract him? Couldn't they done something a little easier? Like I don't know dangling a ball of string in front of his face.

Before I could voice my questions Jo cut me off, a haunted look on her face.

"We needed him distracted so that I can learn to control my powers again and merge with him. Finally killing Kai."

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now