Chapter Thirteen.

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//Bit short but more of a filler.//

Chapter thirteen--

"No. No. No. No. NO." I screamed in frustration pacing up and down the bookshelves, bumping Kai's shoulder each time.

"This is not happening, this cannot be happening." I pulled on my hair slightly, the pain reminding me that this was all real. That I wasn't in fact someone with a great imagination.

"Hey." Kai stopped me before I could push past him. I looked up into his soft blue eyes.

How could he be so calm?

"Everything will be alright, we'll figure it out." He soothed, at least he tried too which was pointless cause it only made me more mad.

"You don't understand Kai, I'm finally going loopy." I grabbed his elbows shaking him slightly.

"I'm bat shit crazy."

I put emphasis on the crazy part.

"I knew this day would come but I didn't think this soon. Omg what if I did this to myself huh?" I had Resumed my pointless pacing, my mind in overdrive.

"Oh god what if I'm possessed!?"

I stopped walking, looking up at Kai, no doubt with a crazy glint in my eyes.

His lips twitched and I almost punched him for being so immature at a serious time like this.

I was about to start pacing again when I was pushed up against the nearest bookshelf, Kai's lips on mine before I could squel in surprise.

It was like all my worry and craziness washed away with this one small kiss, both my hands held in one of his above my head.

This one small kiss that turned into a full blown makeout session in the back of a library.

I always told myself I would never have sexual interactions in a library, I always thought it was weird cause you're surrounded by books... How sexy can that be?

Guess that resolve is long gone.

I felt his hand slid up my thigh and Rest on the bottom of my bare stomach because of the top I had decided to wear today.

Just this simple gesture made me want to rip off his clothes and have sex with him right now.

In a library.

Just as I managed to take of his shirt I remembered the class I had to get to.
"Shit." I pushed Kai back lightly. He wasn't having any of that since he started trailing kisses down my neck.

"O-oh my gosh K-kai stop it." I cursed myself for stuttering, feeling him smirk against my neck.

I tugged on his hair gently making him groan. In pleasure or pain I don't know.

"Seriously Kai I have to get to class." I pushed him off fully ignoring the the fact he was half naked in front of me.
Oh god.

I gulped looking down at my watch to keep me from eye raping him.

"Holy shit!"

I was half an hour late. I grabbed my bag off the floor and ran out the library, muttering 'shit' under my breath the whole time.


"So sorry I'm late professor."

Alaric looked up from the book he was just reading and I silently cursed because I realized I could have just snuck in and he wouldn't have notice. I sometimes forgot he wasn't a vampire anymore.

"Ms Bennett, glad you could finally make it. Why are you late?" His tone was clear and clipped leaving no room for discussion.

I knew he only wanted to embarrass me further, payback for what I did to his little girlfriend.

She can fight her own battles thank you.

"I just had some things to take care of."

"Really? What things?" His tone was mocking making me grit myself together.

What was that saying? Don't mix work with pleasure?

"With all due respect Mr Saltzman I don't feel very comfortable talking to you about it. Catch my drift?"

His face turned red and I took a seat before he could interrogate me any further.

I didn't listen to anything Alaric was saying, I had bigger problems to deal with.

And whenever there was a problem in my life, everything else was put on hold.

My eyes trailed down to the bruises that could be seen peaking out of my shirt.

I traced them softly, studying them at the same time.

They were fairly big so that rules put any dainty girl hands.
That rules out Jo.

That leaves Matt, Jeremy, Alaric and Damon.
Oh my god.


It was like a lightbulb went off in my head.

Of course why didn't I see it? He is the only one who is psychotic yet completely genius to come up with an idea like this.

To turn me against Kai.

I stood up and ran out the door, not even caring that class wasn't over for another five minutes.

I had a blue eyed devil to find.



I screamed walking into the boarding house.

I walked into the sitting room going straight for his Bourbon.

"You called?" I heard his sarcastic drawl from behind me, I turned around to see him in just a towel.

"Like what you see?" We wiggled his eyebrows, I ignored him instead stomping over to him and taking his hands.

"Woah, woah." He pulled his hands out of my grip but it was too late. "Going to have to take me on a date first."

It was silent for a bit, you could feel the tension oozing between us.

I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes and my throat constrict.

"H-how could you?" I mentally cursed myself for sounding so weak, so deflated.

"What are you talking about Kaitlyn? You're starting to sound a little cray cray."

I didn't answer instead grabbing his hands and matching it up with the bruises.

It was a perfect match.




Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now