I was a nuisance even as I died (and I'm sorry)

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Tommy was out of prison, freshly killed and revived, yet could you blame him for liking being dead more?

Tubbo was prepared for his meeting with The Syndicate. But there was no way in hell he was prepared for what happened instead.


Tommy sat in the soft grass that rested in front of his house, staring at the ground.

More particularly, a small orange bottle on the ground, filled to the tip with small circle pills Captain Puffy gave him, for his sleeping problems.

She called it insomnia, Tommy called it normal.

He went to Puffy for a refill, knowing well he still had at least half the bottle left from the first prescription she gave him.

Tommy ran his hand through the grass, debating on whether it would be his last time he could do the action.

He didn't know, he just wasn't sure.

His life was a mess, he didn't know how to fix it.

Everyone he ever turned to hated him.

Everyone he ever loved wanted him dead.

Well, to be fair, he did have some people in his life that he could say didn't want him dead.

For starters, there was Tubbo.


But they had each other.

It was obvious to Tommy that the two had started to realize they would be better off without him.

Maybe Wilbur.

Though Tommy couldn't be too sure with him.

Tommy didn't know whether to trust him or not, and it pained him.

He'd lost everyone and the world seemed to have been doing so much better while he was in exile, and while he was dead.

He tugged at his hair, tears in the corners of his eyes.

He pulled so hard he could feel some hair come off.

He let out a scream, though after resurrection, no matter what it seemed, his voice could never be as loud as it was before, the scream falling upon no one's ears.

"It's not FAIR" he shouted, wiping desperately at his tears.

He picked up the stupid pill bottle and threw it across the lawn.

"It's not fair it's not fair it's not FAIR!"

He curled up into a small ball, bringing his knees to his chest.

His throat stung from the screaming, his scalp from the pulling.

"Why me..." he sobbed, grabbing one of the stupid flowers stupid Ranboo planted at his house when he first died.

He just wanted it to be over.

He looked at his pills one more time.

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