Tiny Tommy

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Heres my essay for Civics that I decided to base off the one and only child. 

I kid you not the majority of this essay was me trying to make it seem as Tommyinnit and as Not Tommyinnit as I possibly could.

You'll see what I mean when you read it.

Also I apologize in advance.

The Terrific Tales of Tiny Tommy

      Tommy, otherwise known as Tiny Tommy, mainly because he was merely sixteen years old, had gone through so much his entire life. Tiny Tommy was really a revolutionary child, but he had a rocky childhood. His family was not the sort of family you'd want a child to have, but he overcame the hardships, which resulted in some entertaining stories. Some say the boy is merely a legend, some believe he was as real as apple pie. Either way, his adventures never fail to entertain us.

      Tiny Tommy was a big man, seventy-two inches tall, though he told everyone he was seventy-six inches tall. They called him Tiny Tommy because he was always insecure about his height, but everyone liked to make him feel bad about himself. His favorite colors were red, blue, and white because he was proudly American, and he lived in Orlando Florida, with his two cats, Wally and Betsy. He always wore a bandana around his neck, to cover a scar he got from an intense battle of life and death against a llama. His favorite fruit is clementines, but he despises its name and chooses to call it oranges. Tiny Tommy loved to chatter and interact with people, although people hated him. In fact, most of his life, everyone he met found him annoying, at least at first.

      Although, that was only until the day Tiny Tommy helped save the world from massive destruction. You may have heard of Hurricane Katrina, and Hurricane Michael, but have you ever heard of Hurricane Betsy? Although Hurricane Betsy went down in historical records as merely a Category Three Hurricane, it really was much more impactful than we realize.

      Hurricane Betsy got its name after Tiny Tommy's pet after the cat and human duo arrived to help save the people. Tiny Tommy, Betsy, and Wally were going for a stroll one very sunny and tropical morning, an average summer weather in the state of Florida where he lived, as mentioned previously. Then all of a sudden, a loud siren went off.

      A hurricane, one that hadn't been predicted by the weatherman of the state, seemed to be arriving at a rapid pace towards the beach that Tiny Tommy was currently at. The wind speed was at a terrifying 160 miles per hour, which was a category five hurricane. Tommy stared intensely at his cat, with a look of seriousness. Betsy, the cat, stared back at the child, before meowing as if realizing its destiny.

      Tiny Tommy picked up the cat and bowed down as if offering the cat to the winds. The hurricane winds grew stronger and stronger, and Tommy took this chance to sacrifice his cat to the winds. He reluctantly let go of his cat and watched it fly towards the hurricane's eye, before finally feeling the winds slow down to a more reasonable speed. The people stared at the child in awe, before they understood what had happened. Tiny Tommy saved everyone in the area's lives! Out of recognition, the Hurricane was named after the cat, and he was given a monument for his bravery. His bravery was so well recognized that President at the time Lyndon B. Johnson even came and congratulated him personally.

      That was only the start of Tiny Tommy's Tales, with much more great achievements. One other day, he was playing with his plate of food, before realizing that the paper plate could take small indents. Without thinking, he made circles of indents on the small plate, and by the end, he noticed that it looked like a ton of ridges. Out of curiosity, he dragged his fingernail over the ridges, his eyes widening when he realized it made a noise? Gasp! He was so excited that he showed off his creations to the world, and they all stared in shock at the very first music disc ever.

      Another short tale from Tiny Tommy was his invention of the roller coaster. One day, he was playing around with his set of ladders, when one of them fell to the ground, flat. He realized they look an awful lot like train tracks and proceeded to lay them consequently on the ground. He later got out his skateboard and sat on it, and watched in awe as it rolled across the track. He positioned them in different ways and realized you could even ride them, with them not being flat on the ground.

      Sadly, according to the legends, he passed away from a freak accident on the ride. Someone had stepped in front of his experiment, and in an attempt to avoid hurting the person, he swerved the cart, falling off from a great height and dying on the spot. Myths say that the person that had stepped in front of his minecart was now rotting away in jail, although no one knows for sure. His roller coasters were widely spread across the world and gained fame quickly.

      All in all, Tiny Tommy and his Terrific Tales are amazing stories to hear about, and he lives in all of our hearts.

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