Chapters 1 - 12 (rewritten)

Start from the beginning

Chapter 3

"Uni?" The shorter male questioned, staring in a somewhat shocked expression at the blue haired male on the floor.
"..Nick." Uni stated, not truly wishing to see either one of the two here.
"...Are we just saying each other's names, or...?" The taller one of the three asked, trying to break the tension in some way.
"Not now, Ghetto."
"What are you guys doing here?" Uni asked as he began to get up, dusting himself off of any dirt and waste. The two looked at each other, almost as if they were talking to one another telepathically.
"We came to talk to you." Nick replied with, having a very monotone voice to imply that he's serious.
"I'm good." Uni countered, heading for the open door before being grabbed by someone.
"Uni, please. If you're not gonna listen to us, will you at least come back with us?" A quick turn around showed that it was Ghetto asking now, rather than Nick.
"Why would you have the audacity to come to my base, come in unwelcomed may I add, and then ask me if 'I can join your team again', because guess what fucker, it ain't happening. Now grab your shit and leave, I wouldn't help you two even if my life was at stake." Uni shot back almost instantly, the anger fuming out with the words that he practically yelled to the two.
Both stood there in disbelief, they've never seen this side of Uni before, but people change. They know that too well.
"Come on, Nick. He's not gonna listen to us...Nick?" Even with the negativity, the shear rage, the insults, everything. He wasn't gonna give up just yet.
"Listen, Uni. I've gone through too much crap to just give up on you now. Either you're gonna listen to what we have to say, or you're coming with us. It's not a 'I don't care what you have to say' scenario, you pick one or the other. I may not be very intimidating, but I get shit done whether you like it or not." Now the tables were turned, Uni was now stunned at how differently Nick was acting. It was impressive to know that he still wouldn't go down without a fight though, so he gave in.
"God I can't believe I'm doing this. You caught my interest, I'll give you until half before sunset. BUT. If you go over it, even by a second, I'm out."
"That's how you do, Ghetto."
"What the fuck..."
"Lead the way, Uni." Uni only rolled his eye at their remarks, then started trotting towards the door with the two having to jog to catch up.
They soon made it to, what used to be, a neatly kept office. Arranging some objects to act as chairs, they finally sat down and just talked. It wasn't what the two had particularly come here to do, but they were nervous, they just needed to get warmed up before they actually started talking.
This continued for a little over 10 minutes before it began to quiet down, immediately Nick knew what was gonna happen next, but he wasn't ready for it.
While it may not have been noticeable to Uni, Ghetto clearly saw the anxious expression on his partner's face. As this has happened many times before he knew the signs and how to help; however, he couldn't just give him a hug, which usually calmed him down. So he improvised by giving a simple pat on the back followed by a thumbs up.
It helped, a bit, but it was still something. Nick took the sign that he was freaking out, and took a deep breath. Trying his best to look calm and collected, he reluctantly opened his mouth and said.
"So, heh...where should we start?"

Chapter 4

"Wherever you think is the best place, I'm all ears." Uni replied back.
"Alright, I guess we'll start on the day C- is it alright if I say his name? I don't want to be rude, or anything."
"Nick, it's ok. If you need to, it's fine, continue."
"Right, sorry. The day Cory died was also the day we found out he was working with Red," Nick looked over at Uni to see if he'd object to his statements, but he didn't, so he moved on, "I was heading back to meet up with the rest of the gang, when Cory came around. I thought he just came to get me, or something along those lines, but he just stood there for a minute before speaking. He told me 'he had to do it', it 'wasn't his choice', but when I asked what he meant, he took out his gun and aimed it at me" Ghetto scoffed, looking away with anger at the remembrance of what happened that day, "I tried to talk to him, I didn't want to do anything to him if I didn't have to, but I could tell I'd have to do something. I went for my shotgun, but stopped when I heard him drop his weapon. I thought he'd rethought what he was doing and was willing to tell me what was going on, know what came after that. I turned back to find him shaking, clawing at his stomach after being-"
"I think that's enough, Nick." Ghetto intervened, going back into a more relaxed position from his previous one. Nick nodded, and sat farther back in his chair, a bit stressed from what he'd just had to rethink, but not wanting to say anything about it.
"God, I'm sorry about earlier. Let me just say that first, it's been rough being here alone and shit like that so I was just letting everything out and onto you guys. That was a real dick move on my part." Uni stated, looking as though he is truly sorry for what he did, "But, I know you guys too well. What else did you want from me?"
"Wh- no! We don't wan-" Nick tried to counteract, but was cut off by his douce partner.
"Was it that obvious?" Ghetto asked, to which Nick just sunk deeper into his chair.
"You only confirmed it now, so. What'd you need?"
"At least it didn't take that long," Nick muttered, afterwards straightening himself up, "We were hoping that you'd be able to lend us some supplies? We're running a bit low over at the base, and don't want to assume we'll be able to last a bit longer when we really can't." Uni thought for a second, but quickly nodded.
"Believe me when I say, but this place is done for, so if you need anything just take it. I could care less as to what happens to this hunk of miserable memories." The blue haired male replied back with, leaning in his chair into a more calm position.
"What about you? Wouldn't you still be living here?" The cyborg questioned.
"Well, I was hoping you'd still let me take up that offer of yours."
"You'd be willing to come back with us?" The two asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. I've already said it, but this place is done for. Only best if I agree to your proposition. I also feel like there's more to it than you two just wanting me to go back to your base." Nick and Ghetto both looked at each, doing that weird mind talk again, before looking back at Uni to answer.
"You caught us, again, there is a little something we might need your help with. BUT! We can't tell you, it's not fully done yet, and we need a bit more time before we can actually create any verdict about it." Nick stated, clearly having practiced this sort of conversation before.
"That's fine, I just wanted to ask. If that's all, we can start gathering the stuff we'll need for the base, it'd be best to have it done now rather than later." The duo both agreed, but as they all got up to leave, the two continued speaking to one another quietly in the room.
Uni noticed this as he made it to the door, and did a simple cough to catch their attention. It did its job, partially, only catching the attention of Ghetto as Nick continued thinking to himself. Nudging Nick's arm, the two looked at the slightly irritated male motioning towards the door. Getting the signal, they all finally left the room to go and collect future supplies they'd use for their base.

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