chapter 7

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It was mourning you woke up like usual and took a bath and got dress when you got outside you saw Ella beside your room, you closed the door and came back with a letter saying why was she next to your room.

Ella: Your mother placed me beside your room so I can be here when danger comes.

You sigh and patted her head which made her blush a bit and you did a hand sign to tell her to flip it around.

Ella: ...Oh, ok. I am still new to this palace so I suppose we both can head there together.

You did a thumbs up and she smiled as you are happy from her reply and you both walked down the hallway to the dining room.

Meanwhile at a distance.

White lady: Isn't that sweet.

Hornet: I cannot wait to annoy him when he's all alone.

Ogrim: My lady, why are we all here spying at the young prince?

Dryya: You'll understand once we get there.

Ogrim: If you say so.

Pale king: My root, why are you here with hornet and the knights?

The pure vessel ignores them and heads straight to the dining room.

Hornet: Wait where are you going?!

Pale king: Hornet, the pure vessel is supposed to ignore everyone and remember they don't have feelings.

White lady: It saddens me to see two of my children from the first time we met them they were so distant between us.

Pale king: For the future of hallownest, there is no cost to great.

Hornet: You mean like the path of pain?

Pale king: N-No I-I ah um...let's forget this conversation and head to the dining room.

You and Ella were at the dining hall waiting for your father but the hollow knight came in and sat at the end of the table with you then soon your father and everyone came in and the servants handed out the food. You were eating silently with the hollow knight while your siblings were playing or sleeping on the table. You got up and gave Ella a note to tell her that your going back to your room she nodded and you went back to your room.

Ray: It seems your happier than usual child.

Y/n: r-really?

Shade lord: Yes, I can sense your are joyed to be with her.

Y/n: Y-Yeah, but I don't want to keep my hopes up.

Radiance: Why?

Y/n: What if she already has someone outside of the palace waiting for her, and besides who wants to be with a silent freak like me?

Radiance: Don't sell yourself short little one you'll be with her I know you will.

Y/n: You think so ray?

Radiance: I rarely say this but I believe in you.

Shade lord: As do I.

Y/n: Thanks you guys.

Radiance: So can I have a turn with your body?

Y/n: Sure once I reach my room.

Radiance: Splendid, I can't wait.

You entered your room and go into your mind.

Y/n: All yours ray.

Radiance: Finally, I can't wait any longer.

The radiance instantly controls your body and she went to a mirror you could see when someone is control of your body, when the radiance controls your body your eyes turns orange, when the shade lord takes control your eyes turn darker than the void. If you take back control of your body you have blue eyes like your mother's. Then someone was knocking at your door the radiance got to the door and it was Ella.

Ella: Y/n, Are you in there?

Radiance: I know what to do.

She wrote a note and place it under the door she cannot risk it considering your eyes are orange not blue and it could scare many people if they saw your eyes.

Ella: I was wondering if you would like to explore hallow nest with me?

Radiance: Oh Wow, the girls wants to take you on a date.

Y/n: No she is not, she just wants to explore hallow nest with me.

Shade lord: young Love is always blind isn't it?

Radiance: Indeed.

The radiance wrote another letter and slid it under the door.

Ella: Greet, we'll meet tommorow at the gates.

And she left to go to her room.

Radiance: Looks like a date to me.

Y/n: that's it i'm going to sleep, goodnight!

You left the leaving the shade lord with the radiance.

Shade lord: Why do you find joy on teasing him?

Radiance: It's fun and I want him to have a normal life before my plans are in action.

Shade lord: It is sad to see the child you befriended turn into the very piece of your plan.

Radiance: If I want to be free from this dream world then sacrifices are needed even if they are close to us.

Shade lord: As grim as it is, you are right.

Radiance: So let's have our final moments with the child before it's to late.

Shade lord: Indeed.

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